Stargazing- Chapter 1

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*written by someone who is deeply in love with Kazuha and uses him as a DPS, takes pictures everywhere she goes with him, and wants to hug him but he's out of reach. Here is a little story for you, enjoy.*

Above a dim skyline, your eyes moved across each and every light source, as long as they were illuminated by the lamps of Inazuma city- you caught sight; the glow of those street vendors were small individually but collectively- they combined to cast a seemingly subtle reflection on the moon: one side became dark, and the other a little lighter. 

You wondered if he was like that too.

Giving your visual cue some space, you close your eyes and lend your senses to the scent of a salty sea breeze, summer oceans always gave a warmer welcome than the spiky ice caps winter had to offer- but the choking smoke that fireworks gave off never seemed to change. 

During your childhood, every time a *bang* was heard, you knew it was always something that brought excitement. Whether that be a friendly knock on the door by *him* or a firework being shot into the sky. Loud noises were never associated with danger, at least not for you. Because where ever he went, whatever he did, you followed suit in a carefree manner. If he liked fireworks then so did you, if he wanted to write poetry then so did you, if he played an instrument then so did you. "Happiness" wasn't a word that you could both physically and mentally remove from him, after all, he was the core of that emotion. 

Now lying back on the grass beneath the Sakura blossoms, your face relax by knowing that he was once again by your side. 

A budding cloud of elevation always rose from the bottom of your stomach when you spoke to him, no matter how many years have gone by, this feeling of a shaking heart didn't seem to fade. There were times when your eyes stumbled upon each other by so-called 'accident', your fluent breathing had a habit of getting caught in your throat during this occasion, what a coincidence- right?

Ah- if only there was a cure-

Despite all these emotional reactions to his presence, some part of your brain still doesn't acknowledge the fact that what you feel is love. You keep dodging the signals you receive from your heart by attempting to interpret everything as acts of friendship: Examples of this have built up through the years but the obvious ones- Bringing him food over after a long day: (you just wanted to see him), asking him for help with your rock garden arrangements: (you just wanted to spend time with him), telling him to pose for a portrait: (you just wanted him to smile). 

How could you forget that smile? That smile he gave you so earnestly after you tried your best at those rock garden arrangements. He looked so proud of you, and of course, you were overjoyed to be the very reason he was proud. 

Where did he go?

The Kazuha that lies next to you now looked as gentle as before, but even you sense that his heart is elsewhere. This summer's Irodori festival is at its high yet you've never seen Kazuha look so low. 

His eyes no longer have the innocence of a child, the initial spark that helped you ignite your burning passions is unseen. 

What changed?

You catch yourself staring at a half soulless case of a body- his hair, one streak dyed- you always thought it was a tribute to his mother but never dared to ask. His eyes, so red, so unique, normally anyone would assume that red is the colour of bloodshed- but to you, this matched the Kaedehara clan's motif of fallen maple leaves; they looked beautiful through your rose-tinted lense. 

Stop... stop admiring him. Ah, you really need to control yourself but what's the harm?

"Look [Y/N] the stars are finally showing themselves, the clouds have cleared." 

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