Aerys just kissed his sister on her cheek simply and watched tiredly and Rhaella welcomed home and luckily the gods protected him unscathed all the way home. And Aerys actually thanked. Rhaegar hugged Elia amicably and kissed his daughter and hugged her tightly as much as Rhaenys who was crying for her daddy, little baby Aegon was in his bed sleeping soundly. Alerah also cried with happiness and jumped up to Viserys and he received her and swung her around. Alerah's handmaidens smiled as they both looked happy. Viserys kissed her hard with longing and Alerah kissed back and hugged his neck.

"Alerah my dear."

"Viserys where have you been." Both smiled and enjoyed each other's presence. A beautiful reunion actually at the gathering place and on a couple of floors Lady Arianna stood looking at the couple in love and was so cruel with revenge that the heart just burst with blood and wanted to cry out the blood instead of feeling such pain but now it was time to fix it where revenge.

But now everyone wanted to celebrate and spend time with each other and the King actually wanted to spend time with his family and take it easy. It never spoke of Aery's so called good sides but for a crazy spoiled idiot he likes to show off his good sides sometimes but only with his family preferably and when he goes to his whores or whatever women he wants he pretends most of it.

But everyone sat at a great table and everything that was served was from Essos and everything was so juicy and wonderful and Aerys loved every moment after his great conquest and the best reward was that everyone enjoyed all the gifts that the castle will have now too.

After that moment everyone chose to go to their rooms and everyone thanked the King for the party and now Viserys wanted to bring his Alerah to his room and finally be reunited with his lovely Alerah and Alerah just laughed as Viserys dragged her to the room and he saw weird look on his face but he wanted to spoil her and first they would just sit and enjoy their balcony away and sit on their plush cushions and talk about everything Viserys had to do and who he had to kill for his father's sake.

All was not so nice to hear but this was a great honor for Viserys as his father has also always looked down on both his sons and heirs. Which Viserys usually hides from himself but Alerah didn't say much.

"So my dear what have you been up to?" Viserys asked.

"Much, but not so very important than then has had to do." Alerah said.

"Sure just say."

"Well me and Elia have been hanging out most of the time with Rhaella and helping to put her in a good mood and talking to her people and keeping the court happy around the royal thing. Your mother has been quite weary in mind for a long time and Elia has been very tired myself due to his burnout."

"So you've been acting like royalty amongst the court yourself. Sweet innocent Alerah has been powerful and playing with the rich for once."

"Haha it wasn't direct so it looked like I was just a good support for the Queen, but of course it was a bit of fun." Alerah lay a little and Viserys just lay and teased the shy girl.

But it did nothing but while it was eating Viserys called out to his servants and they knew what it meant and it was a big surprise for Lady Alerah.

Alerah had to close her eyes and she heard several hundred things come in from their hands and put them in front of them and finally it was ready and Viserys opened Alerah's eyes and there were piles of chests with jewelry, gold, diamonds, several different fabrics in different colors, tools to entertain with for embroidery, painting, creating other things with thread and needle, flowers, books, furs and a few other small things.

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