Make My Body Levitate (Danny Fanfiction- Chapter 2)

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At first, I don't hear my mom call from downstairs "Haley! Come get your clothes!" I'm in too much shock still. "HALEY! COME GET YOUR FUCKING CLOTHES!" I heard her that time. I run downstairs. My mom just glares at me as she shoves the pile of clothes into my chest. I just keep on remembering "Next Friday, next Friday." I let out a big sigh and walk back up to my room. When I get back upstairs I start playing Levitate. For some reason when Danny says "I can make your body levitate if you let me..." it sends chills all throughout my body. Up my arms, down my back, all the way to my feet. I've heard those lyrics so many times, but for some reason I always get the chills. I just find them so deep.

Suddenly, Maddy messages me. I pause the song. The message asks "Can you come over? We can freak out over the concert!!!!" I respond "Hells yeah! Be there is 10 minutes. ;)" I pack a quick bag just in case I end up sleeping over (probably). I stuff my laptop and the charger in the bag too. I changed into a black V-Neck and throw a turquoise zip-up over it. I slip into my ripped white skinny jeans. I throw on my comfortable converse, grab my bag and run downstairs. I tell my mom that I'm going over Maddy's. I don't know why though. She doesn't care.

Maddy's house is only 5 minutes down the street. Well, if you run. I always run. I just love getting out of that hell-hole I call my home as much as I can.

When I get to Maddy's house, she greets me at the door with a "My room. Now." We run up to her room. I plug my laptop into her wall outlet and resume Levitate. Oddly, it's EXACTLY at the "I can make your body levitate.." part. I shiver a little bit. The rest of the time I was at Maddy's house we fangirled. Out of the two of us, we both agreed i'm the bigger fan. I think their lyrics are so deep and emotional. I personally think Danny and Jorel are the sexiest men alive. Like.. ever. Maddy likes Charlie the best. She thinks he's so funny and raps like a "boss" as she says.

I'm still in shock. I'm actually going to see them. Hollywood Undead. The band that saved me. The band that makes me stronger. The band that makes me.. well, feel like i'm... levitating.

*~ 6 Days Later ~*

I sleep over Maddy's house again on Thursday. I'm too excited to fall asleep. However, I finally fall asleep at about 3:00 am.

When I wake up. Maddy's on her tumblr and says "Good Morning Bitch." and gives me a dorky smile. I smirk and get up off the floor. I look on the clock.. it's 12:37 pm. "Jesus Christ..." I mumble under my breath.

*~ 2 Hours Later~*

Maddy and I get dressed. Today I wore my 'Notes From the Underground' T-Shirt. It was my favorite. We walk around the town eating, looking at the shops, talking.

*~4 Hours Later~*

Maddy and I are about to leave our restaurant after paying our bill. We don't know what to do. Shop? Talk? We have an hour until the concert. Maddy tells me that she has to use the bathroom. I told her i'd wait outside. When i'm waiting outside, I hear distant shouting. It sounds like a couple of guys fooling around. The playful shouting gets closer and closer. I ignore it. I open my phone to text Maddy to ask her where she is, but before I can finish the text my arm gets rammed by a man and my phone flys across the sidewalk. The man says "OH MY GOD. Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry." He runs over to my phone and picks it up for me. The man comes back over to me and rubs my arm and says "Oh my god. I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I giggle. "I'm fine. I-it's alrigh-" As I look up... i'm in absolute shock. I can't believe it. I'm making direct I contact with my hero. The man that I loved so deeply. A deep, intense love...Daniel Rose Murillo.


Make My Body Levitate (Danny Fanfiction) HOLLYWOOD UNDEADKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat