" Hi " I greeted.

" Hi Y/n " She said lazily as she walked inside. She's like a friend to me who knows apparently everything about me.

" Where is he? " She asked looking around.

" He is inside" I led her to his room and sat on the couch in his room.

" So you are Mr. Ji- Jun. " She immediately corrected herself and took a quick glance at me.

" Do I know you? " He managed to speak

" Of course no. I'm a doctor and I have been called here by Ms. Y/n since you're sick. " She explained.

" I hate doctors" He mumbled loud enough for us to hear and looked towards the opposite direction.

" I'll ignore that. " She replied.


" It's just a normal fever. It should be gone by 2 days. I brought the medicines along with me because I know you can't go outside " She smiled and handed me the medicines.

" Thank you so much" I thanked her

" Well... I should leave now bye. " She walked out of the door and I went to cook something for him.

I made porridge since it would be best for him now. I walked inside the room and found him blankly staring at the wall. I feel sorry for him but why did he felt like he's a burden to me? Did I do something again?

" Jun? " I called out his name to catch his attention and I was successful he looked at me immediately with his tired eyes.

" Have some porridge. " I said and walked towards him. He didn't reply but kept staring at me, lost in his own thought.

" Can you feed me? " He spoke softly that almost made me choke.

" Huh? S-sure. " I shuttered. I sat on the edge of the bed taking a spoonful of porridge and feeding him.

" Jun? Earlier you said you hate doctors, why is that so? " I hesitated on asking this but I ended up asking it.

" I hate them because everytime I see doctors it reminds me of the time when I was conscious after the accident. I was expecting someone close of mine would be there by my side but all I had was them. It was suffocating there. I wanted someone to help me with my memories tell me what I was like in the past. But all I was told that I'm Park Jihoon heir of Park jewels. My brother would only visit me once in a while and that too for a very short time. I had no one to talk too, no one to help me. I wanted to be surrounded by my loved ones but I was only surrounded by plenty of doctors and nurses. Who were there just for the sake of money. Do you think I'd like to meet someone from my past after going through all this by myself? Where were they when I needed them the most? " I was silent all this while. Only. Only if I would have known where he was this wouldn't have happened.

" I'm sorry. " Was all I could say.

" You don't have to be sorry, if you would have known it's not like you'd come to meet me after cancelling all your schedule just to meet a friend of yours from high school. Tell me honestly Y/n did you even think of me for once when I was gone? " I missed you. I missed you everyday.. There wasn't a single day when I never thought about you.

" We all missed you. " I replied.

" I'm not asking about others I'm asking about you. " He said bluntly

" I did. I did think about you. I did miss you. You were a friend to me. " I looked at the mattress trying not to make eye contact with him.

" Right. a friend." He replied bitterly. My phone rang catching both of our attention

" Yes Mr Kim. " I answered the call.

" Y/n "

" Yes sir."

" I heard your cat is sick? It's alright you can carry on with the photoshoot next day"

" Yes sir my cat is sick. I'm sorry sir I had to postpone the photoshoot. Don't worry sir I'll make it up to you as soon as possible. "

" I'm sorry for taking your time. "

" No sir it's alright " I hung up the call and sighed. My eyes went to Jun just to see him glaring at me.

" Who is he? " He asked immediately.

" Mr Kim. "

" I know that but how is he related to you? "

" Related to me? Am I supposed to say that he somewhat my boss? " I thought.

" Boss? "

" Hmm. I'm a model for Park Jewels and I guess he manages that department. " I replied

" He isn't your boss. I'm your actual boss" I mentally rolled my eyes No actually you're my boyfriend! I mean technically he is cause we officially never broke up. It's just that he isn't aware of it

" C'mon you don't even work there"

" So what? legally I'm still the owner. " He said sassily

" You're talking too much. " I quickly put a spoonful of porridge in his mouth stopping him from speaking any further.

" Since you can talk with such energy I guess you can eat by yourself now. " He pouted as I handed him the bowl of porridge. I sat on the couch checking my schedule for the next day. Today I had alot of work and this week I'm fully packed. I don't know how I'll manage all this the next day. I'll have to cover the current work and the pending ones too.


It been an hour and lying on the bed beside Jun. Don't get me wrong I was tired seating on the couch all this while and he won't let me leave the room so that's why I'm here. He was busy on his phone and I was feeling sleepy, I tried my best not to sleep but I soon dozed off.


I felt hot so I opened my eyes just to meet with someone's sleeping face and stared at them for a while until I realized that it's Jun. I looked around on ourselves and I found out my one arm was around jun's waist and our legs were tangled. My head was resting on his one arm. He didn't hug me that means I was the one who hugged him and rolled to his side while I was asleep

Not to mention it was comforting. I was staring blankly at his face until he opened his eyes making me stunned

I quickly rolled to the other side of the bed away from him.

" Done sleeping? " He said in his deep voice.

" y-yeah " I stuttered

" I am still not. " He gave a plain statement and pulled me closer to him back in the same position. He took my hand and made it rest on his waist.

Memory | HIM Part-2 | Park Jihoon| TreasureUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum