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Vienna had some troubles adjusting to her new life. It wasn't anything like the fire nation. She didn't get trained till she couldn't breathe. She got to see people! She interacted with other people. She helped around a lot which Katara appreciated.

Vienna did have troubles adjusting to her mother's friend kindness. She wasn't use to all this happiness and fairness. It took her time but of course she still has her troubles.
She can now receive a hug and give another back but it is still as awkward as ever. Everyone just decided to give it more time.

Fire nation blood was still coursing through her blood, and she always felt guilty when she heard the others talking about the horrible things the fire nation did. She tried not to show it on her face, but her eyes were filled with guilt. Vienna and Katara have actually gotten very close in the few years Vienna has returned.

Vienna is now 15, it's been 3 years since her escape. She didn't know how to feel. She felt as if she was home. She never felt like that at the fire nation. From the day she got to the water tribe she's been having this horrible nightmares of Ozai finding her and hurting everyone here. To this day she still gets them, she barely sleeps.

Of course she still trained, far far far away from the tribe keeping herself at her best.





Katara's grandmother used to tell us stories about the old days— a time of peace, when the avatar kept valence between water tribes. earth kingdom, fire nation, and air nomads.

But that all changed when the fire nation attacked.

Only the avatar mastered all four elements. Only he could stop the ruthless fire benders. But when the world needed him most, he vanished.

  A hundred years have passed, and the fire nation is nearing victory in the war.

Two years ago, Katara's father and the men of our tribe journeyed to the earth kingdom to help fight against the fire nation, leaving Sokka and Katara to look after our tribe.

Some people believe that the Avatar was never reborn into the air nomads, and that the cycle is broken.

  Vienna huffs out a sigh looking around the sea to find any fish. Katara convinced Vienna to go hunt for fish with her brother Sokka. Which annoyed Sokka because he wasn't the biggest fan of Vienna and her fire side. 3 years ago when Vienna returned he never talked to her. Maybe a brief comment about her being fire nation or that she's a fire bender but she never minded him.

One incident where Vienna KNEW for sure Sokka didn't like her at all, it happened when they were 14.


Vienna starts to play with the children of the tribe. Mostly the girls because the boys were busy with Sokka who was trying to teach them to be "man".

"Hey Vie can you make fire? because your dad was a fire bender?" Vienna raises an eyebrow at the little girl confused.

"How did you?" Vienna starts to ask the girl who shrugs "rumors"

Vienna nods and looks to the side wondering if she should do it or not.

She can see Sokka with the boys but he is also looking over to Vienna with a hard glare and decides fuck it.

She activates her fire showing the girls how it moves softly. She hears a shout "Keep your fire to yourself!" Vienna looked towards the voice to see Sokka now in front of her pointing his boomerang at her face. Vienna made it disappear making the girls in front of her gasp out of sadness.

Damaged Goods ||  Sokka x Ocحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن