Start from the beginning

It's a basic fact, if you don't obtain knowledge and skills, you cannot change your life for better.

Now one will argue that it's because Shudras were not allowed to obtain education, because discrimination blah blah blah....

I'll end the entire caste discrimination narrative blotted upon Manusmriti by its one shlok -

I'll end the entire caste discrimination narrative blotted upon Manusmriti by its one shlok -

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Manusmriti says that a Shudra can become a Brahmin, a Brahmin can become Shudra. Similarly a Kshatriya can become Vaishya or a Vaishya can become Kshatriya.

This is only possible when all 4 Varnas get equal education. How can a Shudra become a Brahmin if he doesn't know Vedas ?

There is no textual evidence of Shudras being deprived of education. You may think that the Brahmins wouldn't write it. But dude not even Islamic scholars wrote it. Everyone got education in ancient India.

Being deprived of education and being considered untouchable happened after British rule in India. The Brits enforced this upon us. If you don't believe me just google the Criminal Tribes Act and Punjab Pre-emption act.

In Bhagwad Gita, Shri Krishna says -

चातुर्वर्ण्यं मया सृष्टं गुणकर्मविभागशः ।
तस्य कर्तारमपि मां विद्ध्यकर्तारमव्ययम् ॥ ४- १३ ॥

Meaning that all 4 Varnas are created by me on the basis of one's Gunas and Karmas.

It is said that a person can be a great leader but if he doesn't understand the law of the cosmos, doesn't understand the subtlety of breath or the functioning of 5 elements, he is a Shudra. Basically those who don't think or go beyond the physical limits of the body are Shudras. Which is most of us nowadays.

Now if the Varnas were flexible then are there any examples ? Vishnu Puran has many.

Now if the Varnas were flexible then are there any examples ? Vishnu Puran has many

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Prishadra was the son of Kshatriya King Manu and became a Shudra. While the son of Raja Dhrisht became Vaishya from Kshatriya.

In Ramayan, Maharishi Matang was a Chandal who became a Brahmin. Vishwamitra was a Kshatriya king who became a Brahmin.

Now, to those who say that Manusmriti is against women, and is the cause of women's degradation in Indian society, I have some shlokas to show you from Manusmriti -

Now, to those who say that Manusmriti is against women, and is the cause of women's degradation in Indian society, I have some shlokas to show you from Manusmriti -

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I think these verses are very much in support of women

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I think these verses are very much in support of women. So shut your mouth up and learn not to speak if you don't have complete knowledge about something. Conjectures are a form of stupidity.


If you want to read the authentic Manusmriti without the pesky british interpolations then read - 'Vishudha Manusmriti' by Dr. Surendra Kumar published by Arsh Sahitya Prachar Trust.

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