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My little girl

January 2, 1999

George and Ginny stood on either side of me as I cried and squeezed their hands.

"You're doing amazing, breathe and when you feel ready, we will do another 10," Pansy said from the end of the bed.

I didn't care my little sister was delivering my baby. I trusted her.

I panted and George gave me a sip of water. Ginny wiped the sweat from my forehead. I gave Pansy a nod before I pushed again.

"The head is almost out, keep pushing," Pansy encourage as I screamed in pain. It felt like I was tearing in half and it was on fire.

"Deep breath and push, Bri!" Pansy said.

I screamed and cried and pushed with the little energy I had left. I'd been in labour for 39 hours.

I heard the wail and I laid back, I cried for him. I cried for the baby. I cried because the epidural wore off in the middle of giving birth and I was in pain.

Pansy wiped off the baby a little before carrying the baby over to me.

"Congratulations, Briar. She's beautiful," Pansy placed the baby on my chest.

I cried even more knowing the baby was a girl. Freddie always wanted a girl.

I laid there with her against me for a little while before Pansy took her to bathe and swaddle her. The nurses cleaned me and checked my vitals.

I was soon brought to a recovery room, where Pansy brought me the sleeping baby and the document.

"I filled out the things I knew, I just want you to tell me the rest," Pansy said, sitting next to me.

"What are you naming her?" She asked me.

"Aurélie Evangeline Weasley," I let a tear fall, "Freddie made me swear when we had a kid the girl's middle name would be Evangeline because Angel was in the middle of it."

Pansy wiped her own tears as she asked me a few extra questions.

"Would you like to rest a little before you have visitors?" She asked me as she stood.

"Yes please. Just maybe 15 minutes. Maybe I can eat something and have some quiet as she sleeps," I said looking at the little Angel asleep next to my bed.

"First we need to get you walking," Pansy said as she helped me sit up and walk around the room. It was painful after it feels like your vagina pushed out a watermelon, but I actually felt better after walking.

"I'll be back in a few, she will need to eat before you have visitors. Do you want me to grab anyone to stay in here before you rest?" She asked.



I woke to a cry and sat up a little. Pansy knocked and came in as George handed Aurélie to me.

"George, I love you, but please look somewhere else, I really don't want you looking at my tits," I joked, making him smile before turning. It was rare George and I were happy these days. He was dating Angelina, but he was still depressed.

Pansy helped me get Aurélie to latch on properly. And she left to give everyone an update, which included calling mum and dad while they were in France.

"You know I see you as a sister in law and I could care less if I saw your tit because you're nursing your child right?" George rolled his eyes as he turned around.

"I know but, I wanted that very first moment to myself, even if that sounds selfish," I admitted.

I had dreamed of being a mother since I was 7. I didn't get the concept of how babies were created, but I knew I wanted one. Mum actually had me tested at the doctors for how attached I was to my baby doll.

"It's not selfish, Briar, she's your baby that you carried for nine months through hell. You deserve your moments," George kissed the top of my head in a brotherly way. We bonded over our time mourning. George and I were close. Closer than we were in Hogwarts. And we spent anytime we weren't in our own dorms together. He was like that long lost brother.

But he was excited when I told him I had feelings for his twin. He set us up. George was that person. I will never thank him enough.

Pansy came back in and helped me switch Aurélie to the other breast to finish nursing.

Aurélie had red hair. She already had a lot of it, which explained the sickness through the entire nine months.

Her eyes opened slightly as her tiny fingers reached up and stretched. Her eyes were definitely mine. But other than her eyes, she looked like him, but you know, feminine.

I began to cry and I smiled.

She's beautiful, Freddie. I hope you can see her from heaven. Keep her protected.

George stepped out to use the restroom.

"You look like daddy," I whispered to my daughter, "stubborn like him too. I went through 39 hours of pain for you."

She looked up at me as she nursed, little sounds from her made my heart swell.

"Daddy wouldn't have put you down yet if he was here. But he is watching you from Heaven, protecting us," I smiled and laid her on the bed so I could cover myself up. I sat up and burped her. I decided to walk a little more since my begs were stiff so I held her and walked around the room. She fussed a little before her eyes fluttered closed and she fell asleep.

I placed her in the bassinet and walked to the restroom. Fortunately healers have created spells to help women after birth, so it is faster healing than muggles, but unfortunately the bleeding after birth didn't change. I had given birth about two hours ago, and I was already walking around and physically all the birthing wounds (tearing) were magically healed.

I asked George to watch Aurélie while I showered and brushed my teeth. The nurses came and changed the bed sheets and brought in new things. I finished my shower, brushed my teeth, combed my hair and used a spell to dry it. Put it in a messy bun. I put on some sweatpants and one of Fred's tshirts i sleep in all the time.

"Briar, if you are ready, nurses have said you're vitals are perfect, baby's vitals are perfect. Youve healed amazing. You are free to go home when you're ready," Pansy walked into the room as I grabbed an outfit for Aurélie. It was winter and snowing. I wanted to be sure she was warm and protected. I couldn't apparate or floo until she was a month old. It can cause a newborn some injuries if you use them before they are a month old.

I put her in a footed onesie and then put her in her winter onesie. I George grabbed her carrier/car seat and I placed the yellow crochet blanket on her.

Pansy wheeled me out to the lobby, hospital rules.

Ginny grabbed everything from George and the Weasley's rushed to come look at her.

Bill teared up when he held his niece. Fleur was crying, but the poor girl was 8 months pregnant and cried when a bird flew into a nest.

"She looks just like him," Bill said and handed her to Molly. We all know she sobbed. Arthur isn't as emotional, he hides it, but I knew what he was thinking as he held her. Charlie held her next, then Percy, who only held her because Molly pressured him. He didn't exactly care for kids. Ron was after, then Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Blaise, and even Draco.

Ginny went to put the seat in the Harry's car. Since Harry and Hermione were so often in the muggle world, they both had muggle cars. Harry and Ginny are driving me back to the Burrow, which luckily was two hours from St. Mungo's. (For all you Europeans, two hours in a car really isn't that far. I drive two hours to my uncles house like once or twice a month.)

Once we got on the main road, I was asleep.

Six Feet Between Love || Fred WeasleyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora