Chapter 2: What Lies Behind?

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(sorry if this chapter sounds terrible honestly this was a chapter I was struggling with the most. So there wont be much of the ship showing in this chapter. My Appologies in advance for taking so long to update it. I'll hopefully update it faster this time)

As soon as they walked into the light; they walked into what appeared as a bright and majestic world not located on earth (since this is in their afterlife )

"Ive never seen anything as bright as this before!" (Douma)

"Perhaps it is because you were upon the dark side most of your life keeping a distance from the sun..." (Shinobu)

"Well... yes... however  going into the sunlight would cause me to disintegrate and I would die immediately." (Douma)

"Obviously..." shinobu said rolling her eyes. She continues to walk in hoping to find someone specific; since they were in Heaven

*Douma continues to follow behind her being clueless*

Shinobu looks back and notices that he had looked most obviously confused. "I can't help but noice the confused expression on your face... why?" Shinobu says with a little annoyance.

Where exactly are we going. And where specifically are we at.... Also-" Douma was cutoff by Shinobu.

"Okay I take that back, that's quite a lot of questions.. First of all, I'm searching for my sister... you know- the one you killed back a long time ago.... She should likely be here since this is heaven and-" she interrupted but then was also interrupted by a confused Demon.

"Oh... yeah.. I'm sorry about that again, I promise though I will change!" He claimed.

They continued to walk and appeared to reach some city.

(p.s. this described heaven is different than what many people would expect it to look like only to make it sound more exciting and because I need to get ideas easily out of it!)

"It's gorgeous here! I wasn't expecting it to look this pretty!" Shinobu said excitedly.

Douma on the other hand, just followed behind in silence throughout her observational session throughout the heavenly city .
Shinobu started to notice the sounds of cheerfulness in the distance so she started walking faster to the city

-Five Minutes passed and they reached the location Shinobu was aiming for-

Douma who still was overall confused... and Shinobu with a positive smile on her face both walked into the city like it was nothing.

Shinobu immediately started looking around in hopes to find her older sister possibly here. "Wait-" a brief pause hit her at the moment she realized there was a familiar face in the distance. Long dark hair... purple eyes... butterfly hairpins on both sides.. "THATS GOTTA BE HER!!!" She announced.
She immediately grabbed Douma's hand and started speeding towards the girl with the familiar face.

"What in the world- why are you in a hurry? What's the excitement for???" Douma questions as he was being dragged along with her.

Shinobu had little to no care at that moment in time what he was saying so she continued dashing towards the familiar figure.

The girl started noticing Shinobu and Douma Speeding towards her but she could not recognize them from the distance.

As Shinobu finally made it to the girl, she saw the face of her own big sister, Kanae Kocho.
"I-Is that you dear sister??!" Shinobu said while also tearing up a little bit in the process of it.

The recognized girl had immediately come in for a hug and joined in on the tears of joy and replied with a yes.
It truly was Kanae.

Shinobu in the process, had immediately let go of Douma's hand and hugged her dear sister back.

Douma on the other hand, was still silent.

Within that moment Kanae looked up and noticed the white-haired demon and immediately pulled Shinobu away from him and started questioning everything.
"Why is he here, how is he here, and-"Kanae said before being interrupted.

"It's okay... he is not here in terms to harm anyon-" Shinobu said just as she was interrupted as well.

"How can you be sure of this though... don't you remember what he did down on earth..." Kanae declared.

"He promised not to cause any trouble and besides he too sound have a second chance." Shinobu said about also being a little irritated.

"It's hard to trust him dear sister but I'll take your word..." Kanae sighed "... but if he goes around hurting anyone, he cannot be trusted any more... straight to hell for him if all goes wrong..." Kanae finished

She then immediately smiled at both and started asking them about their whereabouts.
"I don't suppose either of you know where y'all are going  around here do you?" questioned Kanae.

Both replied with a no since they legit just got into heaven.... Especially Douma himself who never had seen a place so bright before.

"Maybe y'all should come with me then back at my house!! I take it you two must be exhausted from all the new things all around here." Kanae stated.

"Yeah! I am pretty beat!" Shinobu replied.

Kanae had noticed how Douma was being completely silent throughout the whole conversation, perhaps he isn't fond of seeing us still... especially after him noticing who she was exactly...

Shinobu on the other hand, had looked towards him and spoke telling him that he didn't have to speak, nodding was also okay too.

Douma, who had heard her word had started turning a light pink on the face but immediately shook it off and nodded in agreement. Oh no... what if she noticed that...her voice... it was so... gentle... that's new for me... okay then...

"Not much on impressions I take it, I completely understand that, no rush at all in having to talk!" Kanae mentioned immediately. She then asked them to follow her to her household so both followed.

Shinobu immediately grabs Douma by the arm and drags him along with her as she, herself, follows her big sister. On their way, they also noticed the other angels looking super happy and it brought both to a better mood.

As they reach the house they find.... (To be continued)

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