Vitya Needs Help

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Victor and Yuri's relationship up to this point has just been friends?...boyfriends?...friends with benefits?... Victor, Yuri, and everyone around can sense the love they have for eachother, but the two dense fools won't tell the other out of fear of losing what they already ruining what they already have. Yuri's birthday was just around the corner (I know I know, Yuri's birthday offically is in November, this is for the purpose of the story)  and Victor took this opportunity to finally tell the younger boy about his feelings  (and yes the kiss did still happen, but out of fear neither ever tried to turn it into anything)  he just didn't know how to do it. Victor thought of something pretty quick, well atleast some people who could help him he called the people he and Yuri are close with: Okabek, Yuko, Chris, Yurio, and Pichit for help. Victor waited until Yuri left to go visit family in America for 2 days , then called his friends to say it was go time, Chris, Yurio, Okabek, and Pichit hopped on the first flight to Japan while Yuko had just left the ice rink and went straight to Victor and Yuri's house (and they were roommates) Yuko obviously arrived first, she and Victor sat on the couch and started to talk about ideas. A few hours later everyone was finally there. Yurio was thinking the whole way there, he wanted them to be together, he wanted them to love eachother, and above all he just wanted to see a smile on Yuri's face. Ever since his dad has been in the hospital, no one has seen him smile since. All he knew was that he wanted Yuri to be happy again, everyone did. Then Yurio got an Idea "It's a stretch but it might work" Yurio said "what is it love" Otabek asked "okay so all we know is that Victor wants to confess to the pork cutlet bowl, however, I happen to know said pork cutlet bowl very well, so what is I got Yuri to spend the day with me and Pichit and just bring him to the ice rink where Victor will be skating already, then Yuri will skate with him, then me and Pichit just leave, Yuri will be alone with Victor, then Victor just confess" Yurio told everyone "Not a bad plan" Victor commented "Yuri will be back from his trip on his birthday, so Yurio and Pichit can pick him up at the airport and just take him from there" Victor suggested "sound good" Pichit responded, he looked at Yurio, he nodded and they all went to his parents hot spring/hotel. Everyone was in there rooms, Victor needed to sit in the hot spring for a while, he needed to clear his mind, he missed Yuri's smile, he would do anything to make him smile. The frown on Victors face was very much a disappointing one, Yuri is the most important person in the world to the blue eyed boy, his best friend, the light of his life, his one true love. Every-time Victor thought about a memory with Yuri, he was always happy, now he was sad, never had a smile on his face, It pained Victor to not see the smile that could light up this whole country. Victor eventually was able to clear his head and go back to his and Yuri's apartment, he looked around, he was shocked, he thought Yuri was supposed to be gone for another day "Yuri..?" he sat beside him "weren't you supposed to be gone for another day?" Victor asked  "Yah..but I came back early because of...something" Yuri said "What is this something ?" Victor asked again "I can't tell you" Yuri answered, honestly Yuri came back because he missed Victor, and if he were to say that he was scared of what Victor would say. Yuri was tired he didn't even realize how tired he was until Victor put something on the TV, he put his head on Victor's shoulder, almost on his chest, and fell asleep, Victor put his head on Yuri's for a few moments. Victor then laid down on the couch, Yuri laying on his chest, he wrapped his arms around Yuri's back and slowly fell asleep.  In the morning Yuri woke up on the couch, Victor was cooking. He walked into the kitchen and sat up on the kitchen island "Y'know we have chairs" Victor said "Yah, I just choose not to use them" Yuri replied "really?" Victor asked "Yep" Yuri answered "how's your dad doing?" Victor asked sadly "He's doing better...." Yuri said with a sigh, his legs opening up. Victor walked in-between his legs and hugged him, Yuri was shocked. They stayed like that for a while, Yuri enjoyed his company, but after a few minutes in the hug Yuri started to cry, he  wrapped his arms around Victors neck and buried his face in his neck. Victor felt the tears and hugged him tighter, Yuri began to sob. Victor picked him off the island, Yuri didn't care when Victor put Yuri's legs around his waist. Victor turned off the stove, Yuri still sobbing into is neck , Victor walked over to the couch, he sat down, Yuri on his lap facing him and crying more. Victor was hesitant but then put one of his hands in Yuri's hair, playing with it comforting him. Yuri started to calm down a little, still light sods, Victor always knew how to calm him down. Victor held Yuri closer  and put his other hand in his hair along with the other "Yuri, your like a cat" Victor said "shh" Yuri responded, calmer now and still sitting in Victors lap and hugging him. "You all better now?" Victor asked, Yuri broke the hug then looked at Victor and nodded before then going back and hugging him again. "Alright well Yurio and Pichit just texted me, asked me if I wanted to hang out with them" Yuri said "go" Victor said with a smile , Yuri got off Victor, changed, then left. Victor smiled then went to the ice rink. Yuko had it all planed out to, she would eventually have Yuri come to the back with her to help her find a pair of skated for a person who needed to use them, then everyone else would hep Victor  set up in the ice rink to ask him out. After a while Yurio, Pichit, and Yuri decided to go to the ice rink and skate, Yuri not knowing Victor was there, they got some rental skates because they didn't bring their own. They went into the rink, Yuri saw Victor, Victor saw Yuri, Yuri put his skates on fast, he quickly got on the ice and skated to Victor, the two other boys smirked and looked at eachother. They went to put the plan into action. 

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