"Long time no see, my dear acquaintance!"

665 35 7

Edited :D

A day has passed and it's finally the next day of school. You and Asmodeus fly to school together since you both bumped into each other on the way to school. You and Asmodeus reach the entrance. Asmodeus had told you that he would be waiting outside the school for Iruma and told you to head in first, so you just went ahead and went into the school.

Before heading in, you see a tall girl with long orange-red hair. She seemed a bit familiar to you. As you walked closer and closer, you notice that it's one of your close acquaintances, Azazel Ameri.

"Good morning, Ameri!"

You went to go greet the red headed girl with a carefree tone. Ameri then turns around to look at who it was that was calling her and glares at you with a fierce look before confirming on who you actually were.

"Who dares to address me so informally--"

as she tried to finish her sentence, she then sees the familiar yet famous locks of pink hair. She then notices that it was you all along.

"Ah! Y/N! Why didn't you tell me that you were attending Babyls? I'm so sorry for the informality coming from me just now! That was so rude of me..."

Ameri apologizes to you, knowing that you were a close acquaintance of hers yet spoke so ill-manneredly. 

"Ahahaha, don't worry about it, Ameri! I forgotten to tell you after all. My apologies!"

You give a carefree smile at Ameri to try and show that you don't mind about her wrong doings at all. Actually, you didn't even thought about it as something she's done wrong.

"Ah, right! Now that I come to think about it, you're the student council president of Babyls, right?"

You said so as you got reminded of something that was on your mind. You just realised you had forgotten about a most crucial thing of Ameri's role in the school after all.

"Yes. Indeed, I am."

said Ameri with a stern face.

"Good luck with your work then! If you're free later during break hours or after school, I'll visit you at your office. Well, if that's fine, of course!"

your eyes light up as you never really had the time to hang out with Ameri properly after so long because of last minute school preperations. You didn't want to push Ameri to hang out with you of course, but you just kind of hope that she will agree to do so after so long.

"Ah... I don't have much to do today... I guess I can get the work done before after school hours. I'll prepare some tea by then and we can hang out at my office."

Ameri says as she takes out a clipboard and starts skimming through her work for the day. She looked as if nothing urgent was likely to come up today, so you were both happy and excited about it.

"Alright then! See you after school!"

As you were walking into the school, Ameri lightly tugs your sleeve.

"I forgotten to tell you something. Good luck with the freshman exams. They aren't going to be as easy this year."

Ameri's face was still stern but you could see the sincerely concerned look that was portraying in her eyes very clearly. You were delighted from Ameri's words of concern. You then put on a slight smug on your face.

"Ehehe! Ameri, did you really forget that I'm a trained elite my whole life? Even I can beat Alice in a duel in one go."

Ameri's shoulders then slightly relaxes for a bit as she retracts her hand away. But then, she looks a bit confused somehow.

"Alice? Who's Alice?"

You then suddenly stiffen up, noticing that you just called Asmodeus's name impolitely infront of Ameri.

"A-Ah! What I meant to say was Asmodeus!! The heir of the Asmodeus family!!"

You quickly said while waving both your palms in the air out of panic. Ameri then coughs dramatically yet lightly for a bit as her face blushes a little.

"But still, I wish you'll be more careful while acing the exams with ease. I know you're an elite, but please, be careful out there."

She makes direct eye contact with you while smiling. You've never made proper eye contact with Ameri in a long time. At the time, you thought that Ameri's gaze looked somehow beautiful in a way. It looked very beautiful to you because they were eyes of genuine concern and care that you've never seen in a long time before. You then suddenly realised that you got flustered for a moment, and then smiled back at Ameri.

"Mhm! I will. Thanks you for your kind words and time, Ameri."

You both smile at each other. You turn around to head into the school while Ameri turns back to the school entrance with a stern face continuing to patrol school grounds as usual.

 You turn around to head into the school while Ameri turns back to the school entrance with a stern face continuing to patrol school grounds as usual

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

(**This is a picture of Y/N before heading into school grounds. Just imagine her with Babyls Demon School girls uniform and blue eyes haha. I found this image on pinterest so it's not as perfect.

~She looks so pretty omw!! >_<

Editor: Thanks for reading this chapter! If the characters personality, plot, grammar or something else is a bit off, please correct it in the comments! I'll try my best to make some changes. Fun fact: Ameri and Y/N met in a banquet for nobles and became great friends after. ^_^)

Mairimashita! Iruma-kun x F!MCUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum