Chapter 1: My Mother's Past

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I am Kuso Chambers. My twin brother, Shino Chambers. My mother is the World's Deadliest, Most Powerful, Assassin. She's known as, Akame Chambers. Me and my brother would ask her why they called her that. She said when we get older, she'd tell us everything. She would sing us lullabies. They always put me to sleep, I even considered she might be a Siren. One day, she ended up leaving her closet open. I found a secret room. "Mommy?" She wasn't in there. But there were weapons. I walked around. It was pretty big. "Kuso?" I looked behind me to find Papa. "What're you doing here?" He picked me up. "I was looking for Mommy until I found this." He sighed. "I guess it's time you guys learn everything now that you've seen this." I made a confused face. 


Mommy wasn't really happy to find out I was snooping. She sighed and sat down. "I guess it's time. There's no way we could've avoided this." She gave me a faint smile. "What's Mom talking about?" I looked at Shino. I shrugged. What was she talking about? "When I was 6, I was taken by these people." I looked at her. "They had taken me away for 5 years. And during those 5 years, I was experimented on." She lit a black flame in her hand. "After 5 years, I ended up escaping with my two best friends. Jade Keir and Charles." I went quiet. She'd been experimented on. I hugged her. Shino did too. "When I left for another 5 years, I was an assassin." She stood up and grabbed something. It was circular and it had a blue glowing thingy in the middle. She put it on the floor and a video of her and this guy showed up. They were fighting. Buildings were destroyed. Blood was spilled. My eyes widened when she stabbed the guy in the chest and in the heart. She then shot him in the head. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. God, that was nasty. She laughed a bit. So this was Mom's past.


I went to school. Surprised. No wonder everyone was scared of me. She was dangerous. My best friend, Daeva Alarie. She's always helping me. She doesn't care about which family I come from. She only cares about my personality. She would come home with my a lot since her parents were always traveling. We'd watch cartoons with Daddy and she'd end up making fun of him because of his height. But not going to lie. He was extremely tall. We went to History class where we learned about Egypt. I almost fell asleep until Daeva threw paper at me. I woke up and gave her a glare saying 'Why'd you do that?' She mouthed, 'Because you were going to fall asleep.' I sighed. Little did I know what secrets were in my body.

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