meet the boys again

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when I look at you. by Miley Cyrus

I see yuki come down bowing me a hello. Kyo just stands their with a dumbfounded face. god he is adorable. 

"yuki, Kyo, this is mrs.y/n soto. she is going to be staying with us for as long as she needs." Yuki nods a yes. "very nice to see you mrs.soto I dont know if you already know but we are in your class we have talked before. .." I look at him. "I do remember its great to see ill be here with people I know." 

I look at Kyo who still looks like he is processing. "well Kyo arnt you going to say anything?" shigure asks the boy. he scoffs then looks away. "ok its your house anyway. does she know?" 

I looked at him confused. "know what?" I ask the guys. "well y/n there is something we have to tell you."shigure states before pushing me into Kyo. I wrap an arm around him to catch myself as he tries to keep me from falling till I see a cloud of orange and I hit the ground. 

"what the hell old man!!!" I hear Kyo but don't see him till I see a cute little orange cat. "oh you didn't tell me you had a cat!!!" I scoop him at and cuddle him in my chest landing in between my breast. (this is how I hold my cat and he loves it so this is I describe it.) 

"my my Kyo you are one lucky cat." I look at him puzzled. "the cats name is Kyo too?" I ask. "well no the cat is Kyo...." I quickly take him off my chest." I'm sorry!!! that was too close I'm sorry Kyo!!" seconds later instead of holding a cat I'm touch kayos bare shoulders.

he showed back up... naked.... "I'm sorry I'll turn around!!" I cover my eyes till Kyo is dressed again. 

they sat me down and explained everything with the zodiac and the host of the spirits. "wow that's really cool! who are you shigure?" he chuckles. "well I thought my charm would give it away y/n but I'm the dog spirit and yuki here is the rat. lovely little trio huh?" I nod and laugh.

the clock in another room rings that its 9. "well time for bed lets show mrs.y/n here, her room huh boys?" yuki looks at him problematic. "ummm where the only other room if the storage room and its a mess. we can't let mrs.soto sleep there..." 

shigure looks at him then Kyo. "Kyo can she have your guest room?" he glares at him. "AND WHERE THE HELL DO I SLEEP." yuki scofs. "your a cat thought you could sleep anywhere." Kyo looks even angrier. "SHUT IT YOU DAMN RAT!!!" it makes sense they don't get along because of their spirits and the story.

"ill take the floor y/n you can have the bed..." Kyo says under his breath. "what oh no no no its ok I'll take the floor-" he cut me off. "shut up and just take the bed." I follow him to the room. it was simple nothing special at all no poster no nothing just a closet, bed, dresser. and a desk. 

its really cute tho. "its cozy in here Kyo...." he doesn't look at me and just takes off his school bag from his bed. "ill be back get ready for bed..." I look at him the. take my ponytail out of my hair and grab his comb to borrow. I realize I don't have pjs. I see a red shirt poking from out of the dresser. 

I grab it and take off my uniform putting on the shirt. it felt comfy and I didn't need shorts. the room did feel like it would get hot so I think this should be good. I hear a knock on the door and Kyo opens the door with some sweat pants and his house shoes. "hot..." we say at the same time. shit did that slip out wait he said it too? does he think I'm attractive?

wow like a fairy tale! got look at his beautifully sculpted torso, god... "what did you say y/n?" I look at him red. "what did you say?" I look at him now and he turns red.

"anyway... is that my shirt?" I look down at the red shirt I put on. "yeah sorry but I don't have anything else to wear....." I look down at my feet. "what no its ok it looks good on you.... I mean umm wanna head to bed?" I look at him and the mat he lays out on the floor next to the bed. 

"you don't have to sleep on the floor Kyo.... this might sound weird but the bed is big enough for the two of us....." his face goes red. "no no no its ok really shigure told me you lived in a tent so ill let you have the bed to yourself enjoy a bed for the first time in a while I'm guessing?" I nod a yes.

"Ill get the light...." I offer and he lays down thanking me. I turn it off but can't see anything on the way back accidentally kicking him in the hip. "oww watch it brat!" he hisses at me. 

"sorry! I can't see. can you?" he looks at me. "I thought everyone could?" I make a face that I guess he can see. "what's the face for? maybe the cat spirit lets me see in the dark? I mean my sense of smell is pretty goods but so is shigure and yukis but shigure can hear a pin drop too so I don't know..." 

it makes sense to me as I start laying down and turn looking at the window now that my eyes are better adjusted to the dark. "good night Kyo!" "good night y/n..." i turn over to sleep in the comfort of the sheets that smell just like him. just one problem I have always had trouble sleeping. 

its what I guess to be 4 in the morning and I have been in and out of sleep. "Kyo?" I ask as I hear mumbling. "what's up?" I hear his voice deeper probably due to the resting voice. "oh nothing I just can't sleep..." I answer. "yeah me either." 

he turns on the lamp on the night stand and he looks so cute. his muscular body turned to look at me while his hair and eyes shine from the light. "dont mind me I probably look like a mess." I say while trying to fix my hair to look decent. 

"no you look really pretty...." he says and I feel a small blush on my cheeks. I talk to him some more and for some reason he seems open but at the same time not really. he talks about an akito and how then are important but mean but won't say much else.

we talk for what feels like forever but I enjoy everything about it. its not every day the boy you like is your new roommate. "oh man its 6 we should probably get up Kyo..." he looks at me confused. "I get up at 7:30 and make it." he says. "yeah but I think I want to make breakfast I'll make you a plate. what about pancakes, bacon, and eggs?" he lights up. "pancakes? I've never had them!!!" I get up as his shirt hangs off my shoulder a bit. "ok ill go make them!!!" as I walk out I feel his eyes scanning my figure.

god I really like him.

I make breakfast and wake everyone up. shigure and yuki come down first. they sit down while I go get them drinks. I come back and shigure looks me up and down. "my my is that kyos shirt?" he looks at me with a smirk. 

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