Chapter 28: Edge of the world

Beginne am Anfang

"Father? Alas, no. Nor is he here. But I did send the letter! By the sight of you I know he was one of us! He passed down that handsome skull of yours, didn't he?" Tarak explains, patting Kings Head.

"Now we celebrate! Everyone will be so happy to meet you!" Tarak happily says.

"Who's everyone?"

Tarak Leads you all down a path.

"Welcome to Titan Trapper island!" He announces.

Kings eyes light up.

You smile and the five of you head to town.

"I've never seen so many demons that look like me! Ha! Look at them go!" King laughs.

"We are Titan Trappers! Under oath to protect the world from giant monsters of death and destruction. But uh.. not many of us have seen a live one of course..." Tarak mumbles. "Come!"

"Aren't titans extinct?" Luz asks as you all enter a building.

"Not all of them. The Grand huntsman says one remains. So we sharpen our spears until the vile creature rears it's head and a new hunt can begin! And now dear king, you can join us and become a Titan Trapper yourself!"

"Weh!?" King stutters as everyone starts cheering.

"Oh my gosh king! That's amazing!" Luz smiles, happily holding his hands.

"Well, we don't know any titans, but the world could definitely use your help." Luz Turns to the crowd and you nod.

"Thats right! It's a lot to explain right now, but could you- I mean- we help the people of the boiling isles?" King asks.

"Any enemy of yours is an enemy of ours!" One of them yells.

They all cheer in agreement, taking king away.

"But we can make no vows. For that you must ask our elder, the wisest hunter of them all, Bill!" Tarak explains.

You glance at Luz then back at him.

"Bill..? Is that short for something?" You ask.

"Nope. Just bill. He's so cool! He actually met our god, the grand Huntsman! He's my best friend! It's no big deal." Tarak brags.

"Luz! Y/n! Look what they gave me!" King runs in holding some strange scythe.

Luz stumbles backwards. "That looks awfully pointy buddy!"

"Don't worry, it's mostly paper mache. And bone. They're gonna show me their Titan Trapper ways- guess they're my ways too!" King happily explains.

"How about Y/n, Hooty, and I Go see the Elder, and in the meantime, you learn all you can about being a Titan Trapper!" Luz suggests.

You nod.

King jumps into your arms and hugs you. "This is a dream come true!"

"Be careful!" Luz yells as king runs off.

Tarak leads you and Luz to Bill. You and Luz enter the room.

Cursed (Golden Guard x Reader) ⚠️ DISCONTINUED⚠️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt