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"Go to your room and don't come out unless called for" said a voice laced with such venom it would make anyone who hears it do a double-take and wonder what the person on the receiving end could've possibly done to deserve such treatment.

Father hates me

"I wish you were never born"

"Why didn't you just die in the womb?"

"You're absolutely worthless"

My brothers loathe me with every fiber of their being

"Oops- I didn't mean to spill the tea on you my lady" exclaimed a voice so insincere it made anyone who hears it have the urge to cringe.

You don't seem sorry at all

"Don't worry lady, we will always be by your side"
Yet you're the first to talk behind my back and spread baseless rumours

The maids have been mistreating me, manipulating me and I've been falling for their traps

I'm just an innocent, ignorant and naive child who doesn't know any better.


I always get blamed for things 

"How does it feel to forever be in my shadow dear sister? They'll never love you because all of their love and affection belong to me"

My big sister is a spoiled, bratty, two-faced bitch. No wonder she's adopted. No way my mother could've given birth to something like that.

"You should be lucky that I'm even engaged to you. You're sister would've been such a better pick" said a sickeningly sweet voice.

My fiancé is an entitled  and unfaithful bastard.

"We'll always have your back no matter what happens" exclaimed a cheery voice.

"Yeah, we'll always be there for you"

"...HA! Does she really think we'd be friends with such a toxic bitch for no reason? We know that she's evil and we're going to prove it to everyone"

"She's so cocky. Not even considering that all those rumours about her could stem from those she's closest with"

All of my "friends" are fake

"She's such a worthless young lady"

"Can't even keep a man around"

"And she torments her poor older sister. That pitiful child"

"She deserves better"

I'm the only one I can depend on in this world.

I'm all alone.

When did I start to realize these things?

Why did I start to realize these things?

All I know is that because I realized these things, I wont allow them to affect me in any way.

They will no longer be my problem


to fucking tartarus with them all










How'd you like this short first chapter?

btw, the character at the top is what our FL looks like

She's pretty isn't she?

Fact of the day: The FL is currently 14 turning 15 soon

I have also yet to come up to come up with names for any of the characters so Imma have to try hard with that.

July 06, 2022| 3:00 AM

The Villainess has braincellsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat