Chapter 7 - jinx

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"Pull up in the monster automobile gangster, with a bad bitch that came from Sri Lanka. Yeah I'm in that Tonka, colour of Willy wonka, you could be the king but watch the queen conquer"

"First things first Ill eat yo brains! Then imma be rocking gold teeth and fangs"
I heard as I woke from my slumber, a muffled Union of voices screaming Nicki Minaj downstairs, further muffled by the blanket that was over my head before I put it down onto my lap while groaning, sitting up before opening my eyes properly, the light from the window gleaming through practically blinding me.

My eyes followed the room to find Tanaka nowhere, he must've already gone downstairs and joined in with the guys singing.
"Maybe Kiyoko is awake.." I yawned stepping out of bed walking to the door, swinging it open to find Kiyoko standing by her doorframe talking to both Daichi, Suga and Asahi,feeling their eyes quickly dart to me before widening.
I knew exactly what they thought, what it looked like and what they would say

Suga burst out laughing, slamming his hands over his mouth trying to muffle his laughs, I rolled my eyes and raised my arms feeling a blush crawl onto my face
"It's not what you think! Everyone was asleep and we wanted to watch a movie then we fell asleep! That's it!"
It wasn't long before I heard a herd of footsteps, looking towards the staircase I saw Tanaka run up with a face covered in powdered sugar, Kiyoko's face turned from a gasp to a frown before stomping past Tanaka down the stairs
She yelled as her footsteps began to quieten, Daichi looked over at Suga nudging him motioning them to leave, Suga slowly took the hint before following Daichi down the stairs.

I chuckled looking at Tanaka as he tried to wipe the powdered sugar off of his face, walking over to him raising my hands to dust the sugar off
"What time did you wake up?"
I questioned trying to break the tension between us, no matter how close I was to him..
He always had this goofy look smeared over his face as if he was smacked with the whacky stick when born, but underneath that he was extremely handsome, stupid but handsome.

"About an hour ago, Noya text me saying that they were making pancakes and I didn't want to disturb you, thought I could bring you up some once they were made"
Tanaka looked down at me, his tall stance towering over me before raising his hand behind his neck as the corner of his mouth raised to a chuckle
"If me and noya didn't spill all the powdered sugar.."
I rolled my eyes at him and raised my thumb to wipe off some powdered sugar off of his nose, the palm of my hand cupping onto his cheek forcing me to be even closer to him than prior, my eyes darting from his lips to his eyes, his hazel eyes staring back into mine.

Is this about to happen?

One minute he was stood on my doorstep and the next here he is, inches away from me serving me powdered sugar on a silver platter, that silver platter being his lips..
Sweet.. sweet lips.
I found myself leaning into him beginning to slowly close the gap between us

"Y/N!!! Your brothers here!"
Kiyoko yelled from the bottom of the stairs, I froze before pulling away
Fuck fuck.
I looked at tanaka before grabbing my backpack and running down the stairs to find Taketora stood in the front room holding Noya and Hinata up by their collars like they were bickering dogs
"I told you to stay at home! I didn't get a chance to scold you about fighting Olivia!"
He groaned, Noya's face lit up darting his eyes towards me
"Wait! You're the door?! Olivia said she walked into a door!"
He cheered, his legs and arms squirming in the air as Taketora held him up, the small boy struggling to get out of Taketora's grasp.

"I annoyed Olivia enough she punched me, I managed to land one punch before Mr.Drew broke it up, I got a bloody nose and Olivia got a black eye, done dusted simple"
I shrugged, picking up my backpack and swinging it onto my shoulder ready to walk towards the front room door, feeling Tanaka's eyes burn into my back I turned around and glanced over at him before giving him a soft smile
"Bye guys! Bye tanaka"

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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