Chapter 1: Pilot

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I walked out of my house and let the cool winter sun breeze hit my face. It was my favorite time of year by far.It was also the beginning of something new. College. I was excited and ready for it. Me and jasmine would be in the same college And same dorm. I worked so hard for this . whether it was Cleaning the floors at Billy's diner or Begging to be in the same dorm as someone I knew instead of a complete stranger. The stress would hopefully be better in college. I was in a good one. But it was a long time of depression and dread. It felt like a I just finished high school. But the sound of car signaled me out of my thoughts.

"Y/n?? Cmon! W-Wait! Do you have all you things?"

It was the sound of my boyfriend Micheal. He was freaking out from everything and he was being completely transparent about it. I had to find a way to help him cheat on all of his Exams, senior year so he could be in the same college as me it was Tough And I know he's smart! He is just to busy partying all night. And don't get me wrong I love party's and fun events like that. But senior year isn't really the time for that. But all of that would change now, my mother would always tell me about how when your in college you get to party and have fun. I guess that's why I worked so hard to get in.

"Yeah Babe, just calm down..Ok?"
I say while flipping my backpack around to check just one more time that I have my phone in there. He grabs my backpack for me a chucks it back to the trunk of his car. It made me jerk back from how fast he grabbed it. He got into the drivers seat and Slammed the car door shut, I look at him dumbfounded for a second.

"Are you coming?!" He yells at me while doing a little panicky move. I chuckle a little and get in. The college is about 5 hours away so I just grab my earphones and put some random song on my Spotify playlist on. This will be a good change a start of something new.

Listening to my music for a while let my mind wander. I think about my parents and hope they won't miss me to much. I do love them but they can be a little mood killing sometimes. I think about this town and how I'm gonna miss it. I had always liked how almost every employee would say hi to me when I walked in. I liked how it was small and everyone knew each other. it just always satisfied me how much of a nice place it was. But before I knew it my eyes would already drift to sleep.

"Y/n? Y/n, wake up were here". Micheal says to me softly while giving me a warm smile. I open my eyes and see the place. Saying it was gorgeous was under rating 
It. It was like something out of a movie. Micheal had my bag in his hand and his on his shoulder. We walked in and the entire time I was in Awe, it was such a beautiful place. Students were hanging out and talking in the main room. There was a lady at the front typing at her computer. Me and Michael made our way to her. She gave us a look and a Welcoming smile. "Hi, names please?". "Y/n L/n". I step forward ready for Michael to say his. "Michael Smith". He says even though I can tell he's nervous he is being strong for me and that's what I love about him.

"Ok...Ms. L/n you will be in Dorm number 230". She hands me the keys and turns the Michael. "And Mr. smith you be in Dorm 245". She hands him his keys. "Both on the third floor". She say and gives us a reassuring smile. And that was that We walked up the stairs and, of course I walked past boys who whistle and try to grab but by having an amazing Boyfriend he always stops them with just a look.

I get to my dorm and wave goodbye. I forgot for a second that he has my bag and I go chasing after him. But I bump into a large hard figure. just by putting my hands on his chest to push him away you could tell he went to the gym a lot. I back up to take a look at him and found my entire head having to look up he was extremely tall at least 6' Foot. as soon as I saw him I could tell he was and older man about in his 30s but extremely handsome he had raven hair the draped in from of his face. But I snap out of it and quickly apologize he just nods and walks away.
I turn back for a second only to see that he did to but I feel someone pull my arm so i turn back to them. It was Michael with my bag.

"You forgot this love". He hands it to me while quickly kissing me and walking off. I turn around to not only get to my dorm but to see him again. But he wasn't there he was gone. I dust it off and walk in. Me and jasmine see each other and Squeal! We hug each other tightly and we go sit down on the new couch the school got for all the dorms. Jasmine had been in LA for the summer so we only saw each other on video call and videos we'd send to each other. She told me all of her interesting story's until it was about 10:00. I was comfy on the couch so she got up and made my bed for me which was normal for her I guess. She was always like a mother but an extremely fun one that likes to go to party's and tan at the beach.

"Alright get some sleep because we need to look pretty for mr. nick". She said teasingly. "Who?".I question not fully aware of who mr. nick is. "You haven't heard? Every girl here is going crazy for him. But they kinda have a point to he is super hot!!". "Really?". "Yeah! Here let me show you a picture of him". She whips out her phone and doesn't take long to pull one out. It was the guy I bumped into in the hallway. "How do you have a photo of him?". I asked Confused. "Some chic followed him to his classroom and airdropped It so all the girls could fan girl more". I shrugged it off and went to lay down and apparently she dose to when I see the yellow turn pitch black.

I can tell something wonderful is coming. I just don't know what exactly.

1200 words! That's a lot, so if y'all could do me a favor and imagine Robert as him in The Batman he is just really hot in that and I want him to be set as that It's a really good movie btw <3 anyway next chapter will be up tomorrow if anyone reads this. Bye

- lily

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