"I just thought it would be better if I said you when Arya and Aryan weren't around." She tells slowly and I notice her gulping.

"And they are not around now," I say as I start the car.

"We will have to get home first." She shakes her head. "I do not want to discuss this on road."

"What is it Mishti?" I sigh getting a bit frustrated that she ignores this topic whenever I am asking.

She turns to look at me and I know annoyance is clearly visible on my face. This has been troubling me since the day after the birthday party. The only reason she gave me was she didn't want to have this talk in the presence of Arya and Aryan which bothered me a lot.

"I will tell you when we get home." She says looking away from me. "You have to promise me you are not going to get mad at Kabir or Sara."

I stay silent as I grip the steering wheel, I cannot promise her when I don't know the entire thing.

"Do you?" She asks.

"What if I cannot?" I glance at her as I pull into the driveway.

"I won't be able to tell you then." She sighs.

"Okay, then, I do."


I feel anger stir inside me as I sit beside Mishti on the porch steps. I turn to look at her getting angry at Sara and Kabir.

"I will have to confront them," I say as I clench my jaw.

"Forget it, it's gone." She says as she reaches out to hold my arm when I try to get up.

"Is my life a joke?" I let out as I try to grab my car keys from her hand.

"It isn't, Abir." She shakes her head. "I want you to not make a fuss out of it. Please calm down."

"How can you expect me to stay calm?" I ask her angrily as I hold her arms. "How can you?"

She looks into my eyes and I know she isn't amazed. She knew I would be angry and that is why she didn't talk about it when Arya and Aryan were around.

"I have suffered alone for years," I tell her as I pull away from her. "For years I felt guilty, I felt that it was my fault I left you alone for a few minutes. I had nightmares and all I saw in them was a freaking broken glass!"

"I didn't know what I was supposed to do with the broken glass, I didn't know how to figure out everything just with broken glass. And Kabir being the doctor of the same hospital very cleverly took you from places where there wasn't any camera or security."

"For 2-3 years I have him in front of me and I didn't know." I run my hands through my hair as I let out an exasperated breath.

"He didn't want to do this." She tells and I see the tears in her eyes. "He had to do it, to save his mother."

"He could have figured out some other way and just because he could save his mother he put my entire family's happiness at stake? Is this right?" I look at her in disbelief, she is taking his side.

"Be careful about what you are saying." She looks at me. "It was his mother. I was a stranger to him, a nobody. I know the pain of losing my mother and I think I would have done the same."

"You would prefer ruining a family to save yours?" I look at her.

"He didn't want to ruin our family, Abir." She sighs. "He tried to save me."

"Is he dumb or what?" I arch an eyebrow. "He should have taken you with him to his mother. Didn't he know the man could just follow the car and reach you?"

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