Daria Agere Headcanons

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A/N: I use She/They pronouns for Daria in some older fics

The logical place to start....

General Regression 


0-3 years old in headspace

Involuntary and mostly vent regresser


Regresses to help with sensory overload and parental issues

Very scared of horror movies when little and will be hard to calm down afterwards

Has a tendency to hide in boxes or under tables

Needs ether pull-ups or diapers depending on age

Only regresses lower than two with family 

Very fussy in babyspace 

Caregivers are Jane, Quinn, Helen and Jake




Suprisingly hyper

Prone to bumps and bruises due to running around 

Has broken her glasses once while regressed 

Likes having rules and structure 

Cuddly with CG

Loves reading or being read to

A bit of a brat 

Picky eater

Has some darn good puppy eyes (We know where she got that from;)

If CG makes promise to her, she will not let them forget it.

Loves Thomas and Blues Clues 

Daria Agere Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя