Prolouge: My brother

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Note: Okay, I have watched almost all of season two! I am so pumped to see Akashi and Midorima play!~ So here it is: an OC-X-AKASHI story. Hope you guys enjoy and please review. (Especially if one has any ideas ^^)
****I do not own Kuroko no Basket all I own is the OC~****
I walked out of the airport. It was good to see Japan again after so long. I had missed it so much. Even if the basketball competition was not as rough as I like it (Like how it was in America) I was still in love with the cultured little place. I walked as slowly as I could, wanting to take in as much as I could. I sighed happily at the coziness. It was busy, but nothing compared to Americas everyday crowd. I bet the basketball courts are not as crowded either! My heart raced at the thought of playing. Okay, stop thinking of basketball. I could not help but be obsessed with the sport but I had to find my brother at the moment. Well, foster brother. He was a transfer student and we volunteered to take him in. Even though we are different in may ways, I had rubbed off on him. Specifically my love for basketball. He was stubborn, like me, hot headed, which I tried not to be but sometimes had trouble, and had a natural talent for basketball, again, like me. We got along great and, well, this would be the time to rant on about how we never argued and how much I loved him. I laughed slightly. The honest truth, me and him never stopped arguing, we were always competing in basketball with each so it got in the way of us actually getting through the day without letting a snide comment leave our mouths. I will not lie though, I had missed him. Missed him to the point of crying, which I rarely, rarely ever did. "Frankie-san!" I heard his gruff voice call...It was deeper? I turned 180° and saw his dark red hair and red eyes along with that annoying smirk that we were both known to have. Kagami Taiga. My brother and best friend.

He was taller, buffer, I almost could not believe it was him. I ran up to him and hugged him neck. "TAIGA!" I said happily into his shoulder. I was so happy. He was smiling and then I slipped my arm around his neck and pulled him down to my level, giving him an old fashion head rub. "F-Frankie! Let me go!" He struggled against my grip for a little while and then was able to pull me off...He must have trained a lot...I had an iron grip, and he could never get me off of him like that before. Maybe I am just too distracted. I smiled and patted his head. "Come on, where is your apartment so I can get settled in and we can go play some ball!" I yelled in English. I was very bad at Japanese, but learned it quick from when Taiga first came to America. He laughed and we made our way to his apartment I had heard so much about. We were walking, wait. I punched him in the arm suddenly. "OI! F-Frankie-san! What was that for, that hurt!" He yelled holding his lower shoulder. Yes I was short. "For not answering my calls! I was bored the entire flight!" I answered, feeling justified as I crossed my arms. "S-sorry, I was busy getting ev-" He stopped suddenly and looked away. Hm? What did he mean. "What were you getting ready?" I asked. He did not look at me. I smirked. This caused for some tickling. I leaned over and jabbed his side and he cried out. "F-Frankie-san! Frankie-(laughs)san! STOP! (more laughs)" I finally spared him, allowing him to answer my curiosity. "I was sharpening up my skills for when you came, so that..." He looked at me now with determination. "So that I can finally win against you in one on one!" He finished. I was silent. Then I burst out laughing. "Aw, I am so proud of you!" I punched him again. "Oi! You're going to break my arm before our game!" He cradled his arm, now sore.

As we walked home, a part of me was actually sad. Sad that Taiga, my brother, was increasing in mass and size...Its not like I ever wanted to surpass him, but I do honor where I stand in basketball. As well as my reputation. If Taiga beat me, I would be proud. But what if he did more than beat me? What if he crushed me. What if he relentlessly put me down on the court? What? What am I saying?! This is my little brother! (Not literally -_-) I love him with all my heart (never would I tell him that) but if he ever needed something, anything, I would be there. No matter what.
Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the prologue! *Goes to hand you a cookie* -Munch-
Me: M-Mukkun!
Mukkun: Hm?
Akashi: *Snip, snip*
Mukkun: *Hands you one of his cookies*
Me: *Hugs Akashi*
Akashi: ...~

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