Just a Game

19 3 0

Isn't it funny

How they tell us "you're young, enjoy life"

And yet they pressure us to be perfect

To be their characters in a master game

They tell us we have to be the same

No matter wat they say

They only speak lies

But one thing is true

Death is the end

We are all playing this game

But we all loose in the end

At least thats what society speaks

No matter how hard we try

We cannot win

For this game was made to not be beat

It was made as scocietys entertainment

Where society is always right

But no matter what

I'll fight with all my might

Even if I can't win this game

I sure as hell won't loose

My fate, I'm gonna choose


°~Black Heart~°Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang