Friends and Regrets

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A/N: As usual, I will leave the meanings for Spanish words at the bottom. Please correct me if I am using them wrong!

Did you know yesterday was Mirabel's canon birthday? I was going to post it yesterday, which I did on my AO3 account, but I never got time to so my late birthday gift for her is the friend she is going to make on her journey!

Constructive criticism is allowed.

Hate comments are not.


Mirabel runs through the forest not looking back.

It's only been an hour and you already are about to die?

Mirabel keeps running in hopes that she might be able to shake off the creature. She has never seen anything like it before, but if it is chasing her then that can't mean anything good.

The creature growled behind her and seemed to be catching up with her. Mirabel was scared. She didn't want to die.

See! You were never going to be able to survive out here. Pathetic.


Then in a flash, the creature jumped on top of Mirabel, pinning her onto the forest floor. Mirabel's breath hitched.

"Please don't kill me! I don't want to-" Mirabel pleaded before being cut off by a tongue licking her face. She looked up and the creature was smiling?

Not as vicious as it was when it was chasing me.

Mirabel finally got a good look at the creature and was fascinated. It looked like a jaguar except for the fact that it was glowing red with swirls of blue, gold, and pink swirling inside of it.

"What are you?" Mirabel asked the creature and then felt stupid because she knew she wouldn't get an answer from it.

The creature let Mirabel get up and sat right next to her.

"You know that you scared me. Right? You wasted so much of my energy." Mirabel scolded, pointing out a finger at it.

The creature looked at Mirabel and tilted its head. Then it nuzzled its head onto Mirabel's chest.

"Hey! What the- Stop!" Mirabel said, trying to get it off of her. It wouldn't budge and Mirabel just sat there.

After a minute of silence, Mirabel started to speak up.

"So...What is your name?" Mirabel said, petting the cat-like creature, "Oh right. You can't speak back. Um...How about Dulce?"

'Dulce' showed it approved of the name by nodding its head then got up and walked away.

"And he left." Mirabel sighed, getting up.

Like everyone else you love. Or loved.

Mirabel was about to leave again before she felt her backpack get tugged. She turned around and saw Dulce.

"Dulce! I thought you left." Mirabel exclaimed, taking the backpack out of Dulce's mouth.

Why would I leave?

"Dulce? Did you just speak to me?" Mirabel asked, dumbfounded.

I did! It worked!

"What did?" Mirabel asked again, feeling a little stupid.

I can talk to you! Ha!

"What? But I thought Antonio was the animal whisperer or whatever?" Mirabel said, putting on her backpack.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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