After making some distance between herself and the funeral patrons, the teen removed the black veil that concealed her identity - tossing the sheer fabric into the nearest trash can.  Allowing the warm Italian sun to kiss her beautiful features. Her designer heels - that her now ex sugar daddy had bought her - clicked with each step she took closer to her lavish apartment. The slit in the black turtleneck dress that the girl wore allowed the brisk warm breeze to kiss the soft exposed skin of the girl's long legs. The breeze tickled her face as it cascaded though her silky (hair color) locks. The girl allowed herself to indulge in the warm sun and enjoy her peaceful walk home.  The capo passing really did seem to symbolize the beginning of a new chapter for the college girl.

Out of the background sounds of chatter from those around her dining on the outdoor patios of the businesses of the strip and the sounds of cars the girl heard a small yip jut out from the flurry of happenings. The clicking of the girl's heels stopped, as she attempted to pinpoint the origin of the pitiful cry for help. The girl's investigation led her down an alleyway. The yelping was definitely getting louder, indicating that she was getting closer to the suffering creature's location.

The girl was next to a dumpster, as she continued to survey the area for movement. She heard the animal yip once again, and turned her head towards the sound.

"It has to be somewhere over here." The girl spoke to herself as she continued to scout around the dumpster. The girl frowned slightly as she realized what she had to do. With a small pout the girl positioned herself at the back corner of the dumpster, using all her might to push it forward to continue her search. And to her shook her intuition was correct. She glanced down to see a small orange tabby cat. The poor thing looked completely malnourished with it's little ribs clearly visible. A six pack plastic ring stuck on around the cat's neck, slowly suffocating it.  When making eye contact with the small creature, it let out another yip for help. ( Name) gasped at the sight, quickly hoping into action.

She placed herself on her knees next to the cat, not concerned about how the dirty cement would ruin her expensive dress. She reached her hand out to give it a comforting touch. The girls well manicured hand gently stroked the orange fur on the cat's head, "Don't worry little guy. Everything's okay now." After a couple more strokes (Name)'s power was able to go to work. A humanoid spirit manifested next to her, and reached out to touch the suffering animal. With the touch, (Name) was able to manipulate the kitten's brain chemistry- she could do this on any living thing with active neurotransmitters. The humanoid spirit traveled onto the nervous system of the cat, and used her right eye to project the brain's electrical workings and  manipulate them how the ( hair color) girl saw fit.

If she lowered the activity of the mechanical nociceptors so she could stop the production of potassium that triggers the pain response of the glutamate. Leaving the kitten in a state of comfort. The spirit - that she referred to as mind games - got to work messing with the neurons and synapses. After a brief moment mind games exited the body of the cat from the point that it had made contact. Then it disappeared. With the cat being calmed (Name) hastily slipped her keys out of her high end black purse, and proceeded to gently cut the thin plastic that restricted the cat's respiration. After putting the keys back away the girl took the orange cat into her lap, continuing to give the pitiful thing reassuring strokes down the back.

"You poor thing. How long have you been alone for" the girl asked - not seeking a response from the cat of course. "Being alone is so hard. Let me take you home and help you. I've got plenty of room." The cat melted into the girl's touch causing the teen to smile. She could use companionship, and so could this little baby she had saved. All was well until the cat grew tense and began to struggle in the girl's arms. She was puzzled, and cocked a brow at the small feline. What's up with the sudden mood change?

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