Chapter 1

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I was peacefully reading a book in the castle library(the books in there are very interesting, in my opinion). It was fine until I heard a familiar voice calling out, "Horatio!" I looked to my right, where I saw Lord Hamlet, running towards me with his perfect locks of blonde hair and perfect smile and perfect choice of black clothing and damnit, I'm rambling again-

I stood up to greet him,when he crashed into me with a hug.
I had NEVER felt my heart beat this fast before. I felt like it was going to explode.
We stayed like that for a while,and I hoped it would be that way forever,but he pulled away. His hands remained on my shoulders and he looked up at me, smiling gently. "Horatio, you're the best man I've ever met."
I'm pretty sure he meant it in a platonic way,but it still made me blush. I must've fallen incredibly hard for him. Hamlet took his hands off my shoulders and shifted closer to me. "About the whole... 'my uncle murdered my dad' thing, I've decided to put on a play to see if my father's ghost was telling the truth or not!" He whispered. I must've looked terribly confused, because Hamlet sighed and restarted. "The plan is: the play I planned is going to say if my father, THE OLD HAMLET, was lying. If my uncle looks guilty, the ghost was telling the truth. Got it?" I let out a small "Oh." And nodded. Hamlet leaned even closer, now he was up to my face, and he made the "im-gonna-do-something-stupid-but-you're-still-helping" face. I could never resist those eyes. "Can you watch him and see if he reacts or not? Please??" I sighed. "If it's going to help you, of course." Hamlet grinned and pulled me into another hug. "Alright,thanks! Love you!" He thinks he can say that and run away without making me blush?Well,he was wrong. I was probably as red as a fresh tomato at that point. As soon as he left, I put my head in my hands,and started screaming.

If only I managed to string a few words to describe my love for him! I managed to stop myself from screaming and sat back down. Which was when I realised...

He was already dating Ophelia.

He could never love me.

Oh well, if he's happy with her, I could suppose I'm happy as well.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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