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A long time ago, there is a boy called Camilo Madrigal.

He is a twin of Carlos Madrigal.

He loves pranks and he always make people happy.

But it WAS all until one day, after casita fell down and destroyed...

He went insane and unstable.

He stopped prank people. Or we should say  he stopped "Happy pranks".

He only made people sad and worried.

Alma got mad about it and she tried to speak to him.

He wasn't there when alma went his room.

The only thing he left is letter.

 Karma will come for you

I will come back when karma is ready

I will come back when it is ready

I will come back for you all

After few months passed, he came back.

But he was different.

He was covering blood and he had....knife.

Carlos was with him but he looked sad.

His family tried to talk with him.

Alma asked Where had he been...

:What happened?

He killed random villager.


I don't know....but I know one thing. One thing that I told by "someone"


He was smiling ALL THE TIME and they all thought it was creepy.

And his family made one rule.

: What is that rule ------?

Well they made rule between him and madrigal family...


:What?! It's impossible!

I know...but they have to.

: Why?!

....He killed his own family, friends and villagers.

If they didn't then this city was gone by now.

: Oh....I'm sorry for yelling earlier.

It's fine. Now stories are over. Go to sleep.

:Wait....what happened to him?

He is....I don't know...they tried to search him but they couldn't find.

But we believe he is still alive.

: ...What happened to his twin? Carlos?

He is living somewhere.

: Did they meet or see him again?

No. Last time they saw was

when he killed his ---------.

This is a story about that boy....

He is the most dangerous villain in the history.

His story become history...history of a villain.

He become the villain in the history....

like he said... 

I'm the villain in this historyWhere stories live. Discover now