~Mission Of Love~ Inosuke x Male! Reader

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"KAAW KA KAAW INOSUKE-SAN AND Y/N-SAN HAVE A MISSION TOGETHER" the crow spoke as the two went to their mission. The truth was they both had feelings for each other, even though they met by accident. You might be wondering...how did they even meet? Well it all started when a random woman tried to seduce Y/N and Inosuke who was there defended him and shooed he woman away. That being said, Y/N was grateful for that event

"OII Y/N, LET'S GO. HURRY YOUR ASS UP" Inosuke yelled at the h/c-nette before Inosuke started running towards where their mission was, as Y/n followed. Once they were in the specified location, a low rank demon popped up. "Ara ara... looks like I have more food to eat" It said as they both went into a fighting stance. "Fuck off, demon" Y/N told the demon before preparing his katana. "I'll slice you in half.." Y/N continued before him and Inosuke finished the demon off.

"Y'know it was a nice time I spent with you, I realized...maybe I do like you" Y/N stated as Inosuke went into one of his cloudy trance.

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