Chapter 2 : School

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Chapter 2

The next day...

Kaye POV

Michael drove me to school in his PT Cruiser. We didn't talk the whole ride there. We just sat in an awkward silence. 

His mom is nice, but from what I've seen so far, he's just a stupid boy who gets into trouble. And I'm really not interested in being friends with him. I'm not even interested in living with him, but that's out of my control.

He walked me to the main office and I got my schedule and locker assignment. Michael took the paper from me and looked at it for a moment.

"Your locker is right next to my best friend's locker," he said, leading me down the hall.

We stopped halfway down a hallway. There was a boy at the locker next to mine. 

"Kaye, this is Jeremy. Jeremy, this is Kaye. She's the girl that lives with me," Michael said.

Jeremy reached out, so I shook his hand. It makes sense they're friends. They're both dorks. They probably get in trouble together. That's what happened last night, right?

"You have first period with Jeremy, so I'm going to leave you with him," Michael said, leaving.

I tried opening my locker, but I couldn't get it open after a couple of tries.

"Do you need help?" Jeremy asked.

"Yeah," I said, handing him the paper with my locker combination on it.

I watched him as he unlocked my locker.

"Thanks," I said, putting my coat inside.

"You're welcome. So we have first period together. Want me to show you where it is?"

"I guess..."

I followed Jeremy to math class. The desks were arranged in pairs. I followed Jeremy to the back of the class and sat down next to him at one of the pairs of desks.

"So have you gotten to know Michael at all yet?" Jeremy asked.

"Not really."

"Oh... I would've thought you guys would've talked last night. Or this morning."

"Nope. He got in trouble last night. With you. I don't really want to be friends with troublemakers."

"We're not troublemakers."

"Oh really?"

"Look. I saw you have a free period next. So do I. If I could just explain a few things to you before you judge us?"

"Fine. But I'm allowed to decide if I want to be friends with you guys or not after your explanation."


The bell rang, signaling the start of class. The teacher gave me a textbook and some notes to catch up with the class. I wasn't too concerned since I'm pretty smart. But it would take a little while to learn all of this stuff in every class.


Kaye POV

"Sometimes Michael and I sit outside during lunch or free periods, but since it's the middle of winter, I thought we could go sit in the library. Nobody is usually there this period. Everyone usually comes during their lunch period or after school," Jeremy said.

I followed him to the library. We sat down towards the back. And he was right. There was almost nobody here. Just 2 librarians and 3 students.

"Ok, so this is something you should know about Michael. He has anxiety. About a lot of things. And he was really anxious about you coming to stay at his house."

"Why? He doesn't even know me."

"That's exactly why. One of the things that makes him anxious is the fear of the unknown. And his mom said I couldn't come over and play video games with him last night because she wanted him to get to know you. But he really wanted me to come over just so he wouldn't be as anxious. It wasn't just to play video games."

"He's really so anxious that he needs you to come over? He's at his own house! With his mom!"

"Look, I know sometimes it doesn't make sense, but that's just how his anxiety is. I have anxiety too, and it can be irrational sometimes. So I get it. I know you might not, but that's just how Michael and I am."

"So what? You're anxious too? About what?"

"Lots of things. School is one of mine and Michael's biggest triggers."

"Why? You seemed plenty smart at math earlier."

"I get bullied. And so does Michael."

"I haven't seen anyone bully you today."

"That's probably because I'm with you."

"Me? What do I have to do with anything?"

"They're not going to bully me with you around."

"Why not?"

"That's just how it works. You're the new girl. They don't know you yet. They have to get to know you and see if you're cool before they say or do anything to you or the people you're with."

"Ok, so you and Michael are anxious. And I should be friends with you guys why?"

"You don't have to be friends with us. I'm just saying that's why Michael acts the way he acts and why he snuck me into the basement yesterday. It's not because he's a troublemaker. He was anxious."

"Ok. Great. Why do I need to care?"

"You don't! But don't judge him for it, ok? He can be very sensitive."

"What about you?"

"I'm not as sensitive, but things are really tough for us, especially at school."

I rolled my eyes.

"It's school. How bad can it possibly be?" I asked.

"Bad. Really bad."

"Ok, well you let me know when it's bad."

I pulled my phone out and started scrolling through Instagram.

"That's another thing. Michael got his phone taken away, and that just makes his anxiety even worse. So if he needs your phone, please let him use it."

"What would he need my phone for?"

"Texting or calling me."

"Are you serious right now?"

"I'm his comfort person! What do you want me to say!?"

"That's just weird."

"We're best friends who both have anxiety and know how each other feels. It's not weird."


Jeremy sighed and took out his own phone.

"Please, just be nice to him. He has is tough enough as it is, is all I'm saying."

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