
Start from the beginning

The mutts came rapidly towards us and I began to shot too many of them. Everyone was battling these disgusting mutts. Finnick had his trident, Gale had his crossbow and a gun and I was working with my bow and arrows.

Most of them started to die but we need to make an escape as fast as we could before anymore decided to join us.

" come on we've got to go!" I called towards everyone and followed Pollux but the ladder

" Peeta come on!" I called again and he went and followed Pollux as fast as he before we all started, expect for Finnick

" FINNICK LETS GO!" I screamed and he started to make his way up

That's when disaster struck, he was pulled back down and at least fifty mutts had there way with him. There was nothing I could do expect take him out of his misery.

" nightlock, nightlock, nightlock"

I threw the Holo down and it exploded killing finnick and all the mutts straight away. I couldn't do anything because I need to keep running, as needed to get out of here. As we made it to a train platform, peacekeepers were there and began shooting us, thankfully I had some exploding arrows left so with one shot them all died.

Of course the game makers would give us a break and the new pods began to start, there were light fixtures on the ceiling and when you walk under certain ones they would kill you and unfortunately it got some of our team including Pollux's brother. Then the floors start to be taken over my blades that were circling towards us, we had to run as fast as we could to try and escape it.

" leave me I'm a mutt" Peeta said as he rocked back and forward

" Peeta come on!" I yelled and he continued to repeat he's a mutt

" Peeta!" I yelled and hit him a hard slap across the face which snapped him back into reality

" we have to go now" I said and he nodded and we continued to run

" I know where we are! I know a place" Cressida called and we followed her to a little boutique

" quick!" The women/tiger said as she knocked on her door

" nice to see you again Cressida" she said and smiled as did Cressida

" Tigris is there anywhere we can stay?" Cressida asked and she nodded leading us to a cellar which the door will be covered with a mat

When we got down she turned on a small light and closed the door completely. I couldn't help but fall straight down on a beanbag and sigh, knowing that Finnick is dead and Annie is waiting for him at home upsets me badly, all these people that have I died and in the one to blame.


It's the next day and Snow announced that he is giving shelter, food and medicine in his mansion. Our perfect chance to do go and kill him the way I came here to do.

" nobody should recognise you wearing this, just follow in the crowds" Cressida said to me and Gale you got ready to leave

" be careful" Peeta said and pulled me in for a hug

" we will" I said and slightly smiled

We left the boutique and headed to where all the crowds were. We began to panic when we seen the peacekeepers removing everyone's hoods to see who they were. With this we headed into the back of the line and walked even slower.

Off went the first explosion and gun shots, I jumped onto the ground trying to protect my head from the on coming shots. When it settled I began to run and try and still avoid the shots. I seen Gale fighting a Peacekeeper for his gun and he began to shoot others also, I seen children crying because their parents have been shot which broke my heart, doesn't matter if they are the capitals children that's not something that they should live with, none of us should.

I walked towards the front of the mansion and seen people handing their kids over to the safety of the peacekeepers and snow. I looked up and seen a hovercraft flying and dropping what looked like the sponsor packages you would get in the games.

Another explosion, but it was from the packages, killing most children in their way. My ears rang and I couldn't see properly for a second until I snapped back into reality. I stood up and seen a blonde nurse with a braid

" Primrose! Primrose Everdeen!" I called and she turned back to me before another set of bombs went off.

Killing her

𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 - 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐀𝐔Where stories live. Discover now