The Hogwarts Express

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Cassie's pov:

Alone again. Mother just left me here. My ticket says Platform 9 3/4 11am and it's 10:50 already so I guess I better try and find this 9 3/4. I watch around platforms 9 and 10, trying to sense any kind of magical activity and soon realised that there was something strange about the brick wall between them. It almost seemed to move? I decide to check it out. I cautiously placed my hand on the seemingly solid brick wall and my hand went right through!

I walk through the barrier with my little luggage and gasp in awe. There on the platform is a scarlet steam engine with the words 'HOGWARTS EXPRESS' written in black paint on the side. Around this stood many emotional families waving goodbye to there children. I shyly push through them in an attempt to find my cousin Sirius, occasionally muttering "excuse me" to the people I pass.

Soon I spot Sirius with Aunt Walburga and cousin Regulus, trying desperately not to appear to be with them. I calmly walk over, adopting the lady-like attitude I have been taught to have around my relatives and quietly say "Hello Aunt Walburga, how are you today?"
"Quite well." is the startled reply. She turns to look at me but I'm already facing Sirius
"We better board the train Sirius."
"OK, goodbye Mother." he says, clearly trying to hide his relief of getting away from her.
"You HAVE to be in Slytherin, understand?" she demands threateningly.
"Of course Mother." is Sirius' blunt reply

As we board I ask him where we should sit, after all I know he doesn't want to sit with all the pure-bloods but he also wouldn't like to sit with all the geeks either. He doesn't reply so we just end up walking until we find a compartment with just one person in. I timidly ask whether we can sit in here or not and he almost immediately says ye so we sit down.
"What are your names?" he asks in an obvious attempt to start a conversation. Sirius replies with "I'm Sirius Black and this is my cousin Cassiopeia, you?"
"Potter, James Potter."

After a while two people walk into our compartment, one a boy, with long-ish back greasy hair and a long hooked nose, the other a girl, with long auburn hair and startling green eyes. "May we sit here" she asks politely.
"You certainly may beautiful" James replies flirtatiously. The girl was oblivious to this and sat down.

A/N End of chapter 1! How did I do? The next chapter will be called Remus Lupin. Sorry this is so short, I just knew that I couldn't put everything into this chapter so I'm sorry!


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