You put your coat hood up, the rain pounding against the roof of your coat so intensely, you were sure you weren't going to make it without perishing in the rain — you were being dramatic. But maybe you weren't?

It hit you now, the fact that a storm was beginning to intense, finding a spot of its own to create unwanted destruction — maybe this was why you disliked Sundays heavily, they were always unpredictable, filled with faults? You somewhat wished that you would've run in the rain, running to the library instead of getting obliterated by raindrops — you should have known that when people tended to run. They aren't running from the air, running from something inexistent, so you were stupid for being slow in the situation. Unable to divulge deeper into the versatility of the situation.

You felt the hurling rain deeply intensify, swarming you with a harshness as you allowed the rain to dance against your skin, piercing you in ways that displayed a certain weakness within you. A weakness that highlighted the fact that you only ever acted when you sensed intense danger within a room, atmosphere, or anywhere many would set foot upon. It grew harder and harder to lull yourself in the direction of the library, but your attempt never went unused, you pressured yourself into darting closer and closer to the library, somewhat afraid of the intensity of the rain.

Your mind held cluttered thoughts as you felt yourself slightly begin to panic as you saw the library within your view. Your mind now begun to contradict the thoughts and feelings you once felt. You felt a sense of calmness overwhelm the severity of the situation, inflicting a slight sense of happiness within you as you brought yourself to open the slightly sealed door, allowing yourself to settle behind it as tiredness overwhelmed you. Also, many were mutual with who you were, so many weren't bothered by the sight that settled before their slightly naive eyes that peered and skinned the severity of the situation.

Your heartbeat faded into a more settled one as small clustered breaths were being taking by your frame. It felt as if all life within you had been jaded, glassy with a sense of confusion and disbelief as it effortless attempt to clear the smoke, but to no avail, your breathing remained cloudy; the rain's looming hand played a large part in tinkering the way you attempted to respond to the current situation occurring.

As you remained nearby the ample door, you felt as a presence remained nearby you, a presence that remained far from known to your depleted frame that dominated a secluded corner of the library.

You dared not to glance at the figure that hoards your view sight, but your eyes never once fail to glance at the lingering figure as curiosity struck your body with ease. It tauntingly made you attend to things your average self would refrain from speaking upon. But, you were not your average self now, you were someone who was rather rattled by the coldness that adorned your flesh with tender delight — coldness blanketed around your frame. His eyes, the man's eyes, why did softness cloth over them? Why were his eyes so tender against yours, despite the lack of emotions his face seemed to hold?

In a gentle manner, your eyes infiltrated his gentle face, glancing upon every single aspect of his tan features, as his willowy frame loomed over you, glancing down at you as you sat, taking in his viridian eyes, along with the man bun he placed his lengthy hair within. The man made nervousness overwhelm you, as you were failing to refrain from the tenderness of his gaze, which seemed to be tainted with a sense of intimidation. Nonetheless, perhaps that was all due to the way his mesmerising face naturally rested, rested in a calmed momentum. He made your frame feel rather clammy, though you were already cold, your throat arid, your face scrawny with subtle drops of what seemed to be uncoerced rain.

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