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Christina's POV

I can't believe Rachel just shoved me against the wall, and she's still cutting.  I caught her cutting in the bathroom at home a month ago.  I promised to keep her secret and not tell Carmen as long as she doesn't cut any more.  She promised me she wouldn't cut anymore.  

Then there's a few minutes prior when Lucy came up to me and asked me if I could talk to her.  Rachel's pushing Lucy away and she's probably not the only person that's going to get that treatment.  I mean she pushed me away, physically and not verbally.

Once I regain my composure, I get up off the floor and run out after her.  I hear the doors close once I step out of the restroom, so I run that way.  Once I get out of the doors, I look around and I can't see her.  I hear the chain link fence rattling and when I look over there, I saw Rachel on the other side of the fence, and she took off running once again.  I pull out my phone and call Carmen.  Once she picks up, I tell her what happened and that she's now skipping school.  Carmen tells me she'll take care of it and to get back to class.  I hang up and head back to class.  I hope Rachel's okay.

Rachel's POV

I know that I'm in going to get in trouble for this, but at this point I don't care.  I just run down the street and don't stop until I get to a vacant house.  I walk around the house and slide one of the window's open and climb in.  

This house was the house I lived in with my dads when they were still alive. This place has been vacant for the past two years and nobody ever comes around to check on it.  I have a small cot and a few mementos of my dads that I keep here.  I like to come here when things get too stressful with my foster family or at school.  I also like to come here whenever I feel like it.  Nobody knows this is my safe space and nobody ever will.

I grab a picture of me and my dads and look down at it.  The picture was taken when I was 12, we went to Walt Disney World every other year and the three of us enjoyed the park every single time we went.  That was the same year that I met my birth mother, Shelby.  We actually ran into her by coincidence, and she met me a few more times before going back to Broadway.  My dads always told me I was destined for great things, and Shelby told me that if Broadway was my dream, then I should reach for that dream.  It's funny how dreams change.

A few hours later

I imagine Carmen's looking for me by now, and probably the police too.  I climb out of the window and shut it and start walking back towards the school.  I have no intention of going to any of my classes, just hang around outside and smoke.

I'm halfway down the street when I hear a car pull up behind me.  I look behind me and I see it's a police officer.  Shit!  I'm in trouble.  He asks me to stop walking and to walk over to him.  I walk over to him and he takes a good look at me.  "Are you Rachel Berry?" I nod in response.  He opens the door to the backseat and asks me to sit down.  I do as he says.  He shuts the door and starts driving.  I can't help but think I'm going to be going to Juvie or back to a group home.  I start to think I should have run when I had the chance.

A few minutes later, the car stops in front of my foster home.  The officer got out of the car and opened the door to let me out.  I step out and see Carmen rushing down the front steps towards me.  She wraps her arms around me and hugs me tightly.  She thanks the officer for bringing her back and walks me into the house.

She leads me into the living room and sits me down on the couch and she sits down next to me.  "Christina called me..." she starts by saying.  I had a feeling Chris would call her.  "...she told me about your disagreement.  She also mentioned that you've been cutting." she tells me.  "It's nothing to worry about." I tell her trying to make this conversation end quickly.  "Rachel, I'm really worried about you.  I had to pull you out of school yesterday because you haven't been sleeping, and today you end one of the best friends you could ever have according to Christina.  Then I find out you've been cutting, at least since you've been here and when Christina tries to help, you attack her." 

"SHE WASN'T HELPING!  She wanted me to talk to her, but I didn't want to talk.  She wouldn't get out of my way, I told her to move and she wouldn't so I just shoved her." I tell Carmen, tears streaming down my face.  Carmen puts an arm over my shoulders and hugs me tightly.  I just start crying into her.

I must have passed out while I was crying, because a few hours later I'm waking up in my bed and Christina's sitting on her bed reading her favorite book, To Kill a Mockingbird.  I sit up and tell her Hi.  "Hey Rachel.  You okay?" she asks me.  I shake my head, "I don't think I'll ever be okay.  I really miss my dads." I tell her honestly.  She gives me a hug and unlike earlier with Carmen, I hug Christina back and apologize for my outburst earlier in the day.

Carmen knocks on the door and walks in and smiles when she sees Chris and I hugging.  She excuses Christina before sitting down next to me.  "I know that you don't really want to hear this, but I found a therapist that I want you to start seeing."  She's right, I didn't want to hear that, but I know I have no choice in the matter.  I nod and tell her, "I'm sorry I've been so difficult lately."  "It's okay sweetie.  I can't even imagine what's been going through your mind since you were put in the foster care system.  But I need you to understand something." she tells me and I look her in the eyes.  "My home, is your home too Rachel.  It'll be that way as long as you want.  Okay?"  I nod and say okay.

We hug and after we pull apart, she tells me dinner will be ready in half an hour.  I lay back down on my bed and stare at the ceiling.  While I lay there, my mind goes to thinking about Lucy.  I probably really hurt her this morning by ending our 'friendship'.  When Christina comes back into the bedroom, she tells me that Lucy was pretty upset.  I know I have to make things right with her.

The Geek & The Goth - A Faberry Story (Discontinued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن