The Box

453 13 14

Tw: Kidnapping, blood, and torture

(Boxed like a fish would have been so perfect as a title but I couldn't get myself to do it)

Dream Pov

Dream sat in his prison cell, staring at the wall. Quackity had just paid him a visit, but something made him leave all of a sudden. Something Dream said.

Dream played Quackity's visit over and over in his head. He was torturing him, asking for a book, telling how much of a monster he was.

"You think it was real clever of you, getting someone to blow up the prison, just so you could murder Tommy."
Dream didn't say anything.

Quackity approached Dream with his sword. "The TNT didn't even blow anything up, it was just a distraction, wasn't it"

Blood dripped onto the obsidian floor. Dream yelled at Quackity to stop.



So that was what made Quackity leave.. Dream groaned and leaned against the wall. Ranboo's name had just slipped out of Dreams lips. Dream didn't know what he would do to Ranboo, but knowing Quackity...

Ranboo Pov

I slowly opened my eyes. My head hurt, my stomach hurt, my whole body hurt. Pushing myself up, I looked around.

I was inside a small obsidian box, which was split in half by a glass wall. On the other side of the glass were a couple of buttons and an iron door. I could hear the faint sound of guardians, and knew I had mining fatigue.

I began to panic, banging my fists against the glass wall and screaming, although I didn't know to whom.

The iron door swung open and Quackity stepped inside. He grinned.

"Ranboo, I'll give you one last chance to tell the truth. I know it was you who tried to blow up that prison. I know you're in kahoots with Dream. I just want you to admit it and tell me as much about Dream as possible."

"Quackity..." My voice was pleading.

"If you don't want to..." Quackity pressed a button, and water began trickling down from the ceiling. It rained down on me, and each drop felt like lava, burning my skin.

"Quackity please" I begged, trying to shield my head with my arms. Of course it didn't help. My whole body felt like it was on fire, it hurt so much. "Please Quackity I don't know what happened, I didn't blow up the prison I swear"

"Just think about it" Quackity pressed another button, and more water came gushing down. A scream left Ranboo's lips, even though he tried to hold it back.

Quackity rested his head in his hands, and beamed like he was thoroughly enjoying this. "I have all the time in the world"

The Truth - Ranboo Angstजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें