\💌part 2💌/

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A/N: Hello, just wanna quick recap of last chapter. Y/N got a note from someone asking her to the dance, but the person who wrote it signed it as 'R'. Anyways enjoy this part :D

The next day, Y/N's POV

I was woken up by my alarm, it was Saturday. I got up and stretched my arms. I suddenly heard a knock on my door. "Yes?" The door opened and it was Skid "Can you come with me a Pump to the candy store?" He looked at me with puppy eyes "Hmm fine let me get ready though" he smiled and ran to the living room. I got dressed in (Favorite outfit) brushed my hair and teeth. I went to where Skid was and I looked at him. "Ready to go Skid?" He got really excited and he jumped up and down "Yeah! Let's go get Pump and go to the candy store!" He opened the door and ran out. I quickly caught up with him, we picked up Pump and we headed to the candy store.

Small time skip to the candy store
No one's POV

When Skid, Pump, and Y/N got to the candy store she opened the door for the two kids. The two kids smiled and waved at Kevin "Hi Kevin!" They said at the same time, as Kevin looked at them. He then saw Y/N come in and he relaxed a bit knowing there won't be as much chaos because she was there with them."Alright, you two pick what candies you want" she smiled and them and the kids had a bigger smile as they looked around to get candy. Soon they got the candy they wanted and Y/N paid for it then they started to walk back home as the two kids had there bags of candy.

Time skip to home

They soon got back home and Y/N opened the door for them. They ran inside and went to Skid's room to play and eat the candy. Y/N walked to her room and her phone got an anonymous text from someone. "That's odd.." she looked at the text

'Hey one of your friends gave me your number and I wanted to talk, text back as soon as you can please'

As she looked at the text messages she wondered who it was so she typed back

'Hey just home, who is this?'

Not to soon after she sent it the person replied

'Well I don't wanna tell you yet but it's the person who wrote you that note'

she smiled a little and saved the phone in her contacts and set the name as R. She texts them back

'Awww well it's nice to talk to you, even if it's just text lol'

A/N: Thanks for reading this shit- request if you wanna hope ya have a good day/afternoon/night

Roy x Reader oneshots (kinda)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن