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Izuku's POV:

Everything was shrouded in total black I couldn't move my body I couldn't even feel OFA

Just then I felt a light hit my eyes that it brought me to open them and I was allowed to move once more that I looked around until I saw a silhouette of someone who I was familiar running towards me that it felt like they were calling my name

I started to ran and thought "I have to take her hand and in order to her hand...just for that purpose I will.."

But then I felt something a firm softness that I was holding in my right hand that I woke up I then looked up to see it was my Twin sister Izumi Midoriya who has her eyes closed

Izuku:oh Izumi Good morning breakfast?

Izumi:Onii-chan DON'T YOU "BREAKFAST?" ME!


I was hit by an enhanced fist to the face and hit the ground my Name is Izuku Midoriya I'm a Second Year at the Prestigious school that's UA high it's been one heck of a ride since I started the school and now things are looking ok my Sister Izumi who's in the same year as me was one who can be protective ever since we were kids and she still is

Riggt now the two of us are eating our food with her giving me a glare

Izuku:come on Sis are you still mad at me I said I was sorry

Izumi:dont you have something else to say?

I thought about it until I blurted it out

Izuku:like, "I guess you've gotten a little bigger"?


Izuku:why being bigger is a good thing

I couldn't help but observe and it was kind of a problem when I was younger ever since I started righting notes about heroes I went more in depth to the heroines and well it went with me going into girls public baths by accident and it continued more in junior high but I stopped when I was in UA...until I Mineta

Izumi:That's not the Issue here!

I simply sighed and told her to look at picture on the wall of me and her when we were little

Izuku:You were such a sweet little girl when you drew that

This caused her to be embarrassed that it made me laugh

Izumi:Why do you have a drawing form that long ago? That's just embarrassing

Izuku:well it's a little too late for that now

I said this while showing her mg phone that contained the drawing

Izuku since I've already set the drawing as the background on my phone

This made her eyebrows twitch and her quirk full Telekinesis to activate making me pale until I grabbed my bag and used OFA full cowling at 10% and ran

Izuku:wait time out


Well let's go again one more time folks lie I said my Name is Izuku Midoriya and this is my Twin Sister Izumi Midoriya some times there a bit of annoyances but I dont dislike not one bit being able to achieve my dream saving others as much ad I can and using my powers do to that I just wish that Allmight was still here to see it though

When me and Izumi were walking towards our school I stopped for a second to look at the sky to see the sun completely black

Izumi:the weather's great again today I'm glad its sunny out aren't you Izuku?

Izuku:huh? Was the sun always like that?

Izuku:Nah I must be seeing things

?:Awaken now,Izuku Midoriya if you do not, I will have to kill you

I suddenly tinte around only to see no one there sweat was pouring from my head and this made Izumi confused bit I just told her it's fine but I was worried because Danger Sense didn't alert me

Izuku:hey is everything ok?


But all I heard was silence I'm able to communicate with past users if OFA but for some reason they've been silent ever since AFO was finally defeated

Izuku:what's going on?


Izuku Trinity Seven Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ