>:) Ask and Dare in one!!

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There are 2 questions here. Well, really 1 dare, and 1...asking. These are from @flstteringbutterfly. Thank you!! 

                                Levi, what would happen if you were not a clean freak?

Levi: Well that is a silly question. But I will answer it. -_-   Well, I would obv. not be a clean freak. 

Writer: Levi don't be such a twerp. Give her more detail.   >:(

Levi: Shut up writer-chan. Go away. *shoos away with hand* 

Writer: Don't you shoo me away Mr. Ackerman!! *gets eren* 

Levi: What are you doing with him?! 

Writer: *smirks* Levi if you don't give her more info i'll...um...hug Eren!  >:)

Levi: *growls* Fine. *mumbles* stupid writer-chan... 


Levi: Fine fine!! 

Eren: O///O 

Levi: Well first off I would be very unsanitary, and...enjoy dirt. *cringes* I would also be smelly and gross. Just like some people in the survey corps. Other than that, I would probibly not be able to live with myself if I wasn't clean. But if I was I would be gross. The only time I ever get dirt is with Eren. 

Writer: *hugs Eren behind Levi's back* 

Levi: *sees*

Writer: Oh sh!t!! I got to go! Bye Eren!!! *runs away laughing* 

Levi: *walks to Eren and kisses him* You are mine Eren. Go take a bath, and I'll be there in a min. 

Eren: Yes, sir!!    ^///^    Woof.    -///-    I am so weird. 

Levi: Good boy. *smirks. runs after writer-chan*  

Writter: *after Levi gets me*    x_x 


Choose one day without cleaning supplies or one day without Eren.    >:)  

Levi: O_O What kind of question is-


Levi: Fine! Hmmm. Tough choice. Cleaning supplies or Eren? Hmm. 

Eren: What is this? Am I seriously against cleaning suppplies?!  T^T

Levi: Im leaning more towards Eren. i would go a day without him.  *thinking face* 

Writer: You look stupid. 

Levi: *chucks blade at writers face* 

Writer: x_x

Levi: Yup its Eren. I would go a day without Eren. 

Eren: *tears up and cries*  ToT T^T WAAHAHHAHAHAHAHA

Writer: Eren! Its ok. *rubs back* 

Eren: *runs away crying* 

Writer: *death glares* Go get him!! 

Levi: *feels really bad* EREN!!! MY DARLING COME BACK!!!

Eren: *still running* 

Levi: *grabs arm and pulls Eren into his chest* I'm sorry. I can't believe I said that. I lvoe you more than anything in the world. You are my Eren. Forgive me?

Eren: *sobs* I forgive you.

Levi: *tilts chin up and kisses passiontetly* I love you, Eren.

Eren: I love you too, Levi. 

Levi: *picks up Eren bridal style and walks to his room* Were gonna get really dirty, so it doesn't matter. 

Eren: O///O Heichou!! -///- 

Writer: *nosebleeds - dies* So much yaoi!! 

Ask or Dare LeviUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum