1. Cave of Wonders

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No one's p.o.v

-in the middle of the forest-

Saki sits on his horse waiting as Karai is standing by him with her arms crossed, starting to become impatient. They've been there for ten minutes waiting on someone who was already supposed to be there. Hun starts riding up on his own horse, he stopped right in front of the two and jumps off the horse. "You're late" Saki says which made Karai narrow her eyes at Hun and crack her knuckles. Hun rolls his eyes while twirling around a dagger "a thousand apologies, oh patient one" he says sarcastically.

Karai pulls out her own dagger saying "you have it then?" Hun finally pulls something out of his back pocket with a smirk. "I had to slit a few throats, but I got it" he says while holding out what looked like half of a golden beetle. Saki went to grab it, but Hun pulls it out of her reach saying "ah ah ah, the treasure." Karai lowly growled before stomping on Hun's foot and snagging the half beetle, Hun looks at her shocked. Though she walked back to Saki and handed him the beetle "trust me, my pungent friend."

Saki then smirks at the half beetle saying "you'll get what's coming to you" Karai snickers a bit saying "yeah, don't worry your ugly face." With that Saki pulled out the other half of the beetle from his own back pocket and connected them. The beetle somehow takes flight, scaring the horse a bit that Saki is on as it flies off towards a certain direction. Saki pulls Karai on as she says "quickly! Follow the trail!!" He got the horse to chase the golden glitter from the beetle. Hun got back on his own horse and chased after the two, the beetle went fast which made it a bit hard to keep up.

"Faster!!" Saki yelled out angered, after a second longer of running the beetle separated itself before circling around a hill. Both sides stuck onto the dirt as they're still glowing, both horses stopped a bit in front of the hill. The ground starts shaking a bit which made both horses jump up scared- it caused the three to fall off the horses. They're on their backs as they watch the ground form into a giant head, its mouth open to form a cave. In the cave from the distance you can see light inside, so Karai smiles "at last..." she trailed off.

Saki then adds "after long years of searching.. The Cave of Wonders" Hun looks forward astonished saying "you gotta be kidding me." The three are standing as they look at the cave, but Saki grabs Hun by the collar of his shirt. "Now remember, bring me the lamp! The rest of the treasure is yours- but the lamp.. is mine." Saki's words got Hun to snicker as he walks towards the cave, Karai raised an eyebrow at Saki. "Where'd you dig this bozo up?" Karai asks Saki a bit annoyed, so Saki shushed her a bit with a smirk.

The two then look forward as Hun starts to get close to the mouth of the cave, Hun looks into the mouth to see the tongue turn into stairs. The head looked to be a teenager, but it breathed out which made Hun fall back onto the regular ground. The head then asks "who disturbs my slumber, yo?!?" Hun stands up while looking up at the head a bit scared. "It's me, Hun - the humble thief" Hun introduced himself before bowing a bit for the head. The head on the other hand says "know this, only one can enter here, one whose worth lies far within, dude."

The words got Karai and Saki to share a confused look, but the head continued- "the diamond in the rough" Hun looks back at Saki a bit worried. He shrugged, but Karai shakes her head "what're you waiting for?!" She asks angered. Though Saki yells out "go on!" Hun looks back at the head scared as he goes to climb in again. The head opens it mouth as Hun goes in, he only set his foot on the first step to see if he was the one. Everything seemed quiet, so he sighed in relief- he thought too soon as the cave screams loudly.

Hun's eyes widened in fear as he goes to run out, but the head bit down making dirt fly a bit- he trapped Hun within the ground and it killed him. Saki and Karai scream, Karai out of fear as Saki was yelling in despair knowing that he still isn't getting the lamp. The head then says "search for the diamond in the rough" his voice echoed a bit as the beetle pieces roll down. Karai shakes the dirt off of her as she coughs a bit, then she facepalmed at what just happened. "Father, we're never going to get that stupid lamp!" Karai complains while walking towards the beetle halves.

Then she shakes her head saying "I feel way too ticked off right now" she walked back towards Saki while handing him the beetle halves. Saki just responded with "patience, my daughter - patience.. Hun was anything but worthy." Karai rolls her eyes as she says "oh, there's a big surprise! What are we gonna do then?" Saki hums in thought. "Only one can enter... let's just find this 'diamond in the rough'" Saki says while putting the beetle halves in his pocket.

-somewhere in town-

Louisa has bread in hand as she runs towards the edge of the rooftop that she's on, she looks down to see how big the fall is. Though a certain accent of Fishface caught her attention "stop, thief!!" She looked behind her at that. She sees Fishface, Tigerclaw and Rahzar as they have their swords in hand - ready to apprehend her. Tigerclaw then glares at her saying "I'll keep your hands as a trophy, you street rat!" She looks back down, then at the bread. "All this just for a loaf of bread??" Louisa asks herself out loud, then she jumped down and onto the clothes lines.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


Donnisa Love Story (Aladdin & Modern AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя