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A request by Rich1210

It has been 3 years since they came into the gurukul. The princes of ayodhya were 10 years old. 

Whole gurukul cherished and loved them, but there were 2 princes who envied them. Aayan and Chinku.

They called Ram as a 'chamcha' of their father, and that he couldnt speak a word infront of ANYONE, but then he was later hit blue and black by the twins that night, and Bharat, the ever calm Bharat had warned him in a dangerously calm tone that he was THEIR bhaiyya, and only himself and the twins had the right to tease him like that. If anyone else dared to do so, he wont hesitate doing a murder, to which Lakshman had patted his back and said 'Well done!!!'

Coming back, they were sitting in their class, and Gurumatha was teaching veena rag to them.

"So, Kids, thats all for today, you may go and have your lunch" Arundhati said with an enchanting smile.

"As you say Guruma" Was heard all across the room.


"Hey beautiful..... Come here, will you? What will you girls do after studies, hmm? Become someone's wife and give birth to babies, thats it naa? Then why are you even studying? come and become mine, No need to study" Aayan said huskily to Alya.

Alya shivered under his lustful gaze, and prayed to all gods above That one of her Brothers, or Karan comes to her rescue.

This is what always happens. We women suffer due to the lust of a man. A women, who brings good omen into the house, is refrained from getting educated, her wings are cut down with the knife of responsibility, her wishes, her passion, everything is killed just because she is a GIRL. And when her parents dare to get her educated, and let her live her life, something like this happens. The whole truth of a girl's life is that, till marriage she is not allowed to talk to men, and post marriage she has to sleep with a stranger her parents chose for her. just because he has nice job, nice family, and nice character, a WOMAN has to leave her family, her job, change her character completely for him. Her parents call her 'Paraaya dhan' and her in-laws call her 'Paraye ghar ki ladki'. Now, in all this, which is her family, HER house? This is what has been happening since that era, and continues till date. Girls cant handle Jobs, Girls cant handle family businesses, Girls cant Drive alone at night, Girls cant defend themselves, Girls cant do this, girls cant do that, AREE IF WE GIRLS CAN GIVE BIRTH TO YOU IDIOTS, THEN WE CAN DEFINETELY DO ALL THESE THINGS, BECAUSE ALL THESE, 'MEN JOBS' ARE QUITE EASIER THAN PREGNANCY AND LABOUR PAINS. Even in 2021, this is the thinking in few families, and I consider myself to be lucky for not being a part of such families.

(Sorry, just got a bit passionate, and I am sorry if I offended someone)

"MIND YOUR TONGUE, YOU BASTARD, SHE IS MY SISTER!!!" Lakshman angrily sapped Aayan right on his face. 

Aayan looked at Lakshman with his hand on the cheek where Lakshman had slapped him, not a moment ago.

"You will regret....... YOU WILL REGRET, LAKSHMAN SURYAVANSHI, YOU WILL!!!" Aayan ran away screaming.

"Dada (elder brother)..........." She whispered.

"Next time, Alya, this slap should be yours, not mine, UNDERSTAND?" Lakshman asked very sternly.

"Y-Yes Dada, Of course......" She replied, stammering badly. She knew better than to argue with an angry Lakshman.

"Did he hurt you? Oh, he will regret!!" lakshman was about to go in the direction Aayan went, But quite thankfully for Aayan, Alya stopped him.

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