I missed it! I missed my chance! Those few seconds he spent distracted cost him his chance at getting the bow, he definitely couldn't go in for it now. (M/N) stood there for a second, not knowing which direction he should take, does he book it to the forest? Or does he try to snatch at least one item. His anger at Katsuki caused him to decide on the latter, sprinting off to the left side of the Cornucopia, eyes fixated on an orange backpack.

(M/N) dived forward and grabbed the backpack. As he prepared to run into the forest, he heard a familiar scream. Turning around, he was met with one of the Careers from District 4 dragging Bella towards him by her hair.


"Hey, can I ask you something?" Bella asked.

(M/N) looked up from his meal. "Huh? Yeah sure."

The two had been conversing a lot during the past two days. It was their second day of training and they were currently eating lunch, going about their usual conversations while Katsuki sat next to (M/N) only saying a few words every now and then.

"Are you two a thing?"

(M/N) choked on his mouthful of mashed potatoes while Katsuki stared at her with a neutral expression.

"What brought that on?!" (M/N) exclaimed.

"It's just that you two seem so close, it reminds me of home," she said.

"How so?"

"Well, I actually have a boyfriend back home, his name's Sangwoo. You two just reminded me of him."

"Oh," (M/N) didn't know what to say.

"I'm honestly quite scared about going into the arena. But, I promised that I'd try to win for him, I don't want to let him down," she said with a smile.

(M/N) gave her a sad rendition of her smile. He could tell she was trying her hardest to put aside her fears for Sangwoo, it was very admirable. If he was going to die, he hoped either her or Katsuki survived.


He watched as the boy plunged a knife into the back of Bella's throat, pushing it in until it protruded through the front of her throat. She coughed up blood as she tried to pull it out, before the boy yanked it out and kicked her body away. She didn't move after that, her lifeless body laying on the grass.

(M/N) forced himself to look away. This was bound to happen, he knew this, only one person was leaving this arena alive, he needed to forget about her. He got up and started running towards the forest. However, not even a few seconds later he was pulled onto the ground. The boy from District 9 hovering over him, seemingly about to send his fist into (M/N)'s face. He brought his arms above his head in hopes to block the attack, only to hear the boy let out a pained shout as he fell on top of (M/N).

(M/N) pushed the boy off of him and found a dagger in his back. He looked up to see a girl with blonde hair running towards him, carrying half a dozen knives in her hand. He instantly recognised her as the girl from District 1. (M/N) had seen her throw in training, she never missed- and now he was her next target.

His eyes widened as she threw a knife at him. He reflexively brought the backpack in front of him and felt the knife lodge itself into the pack. Without looking back at her he quickly got up and bolted towards the forest.

(M/N) knew she wouldn't chase him. She was one of the careers, so she and the others would stay at the Cornucopia once they'd driven everyone else out, and pick out all the good stuff that they'd need to survive.

𝓥𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓻 | Katsuki Bakugou x Male readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat