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Heavy steps echo through the now dark alleyway. Heat from flames now receded mixed with the coolness of the winter air. 

Dabi huffed as he shoved his hands inside his jacket pockets. He scowled as he thought about how much time he wasted meeting that group of nobodies. All they had wanted was to use the League's name as some sort of popularity boost.

Dabi hadn't hesitated to turn them to ash.

Turning down a conjoined alleyway, Dabi wondered whether or not he wanted to go back to the bar for the night.

Either place he went to he was bound to be annoyed by someone, the question was who he could tolerate more at the moment.

Then again, one important aspect of this decision was that his room back the bar had a lock. But then there was a good chance Toga would just knock on the door until he opened up.

He knows from experience that she had no problem doing so all night long.

Then again, his other place can be just as annoying if not more so. Not to mention clingy.

Dabi was just about to make up his mind when a sound shook him out of his thoughts.

It was a small sound, barely audible but Dabi could still hear it.

Lighting up a couple fingers, Dabi lit the alleyway so he could look around better and assess any possible danger.

The sound happened again, a little louder this time. Like something was hurting yet was keeping quiet about it.

Turning around and walking a couple paces forward, Dabi finally found the source of the noise.

A young boy curled up in a box that was placed on its side against the wall of the building. The boy was obviously sleeping.

Somehow the sight made Dabi sad. He looked so young, and judging by the wear and tear of his shoes and clothes he could see, the boy had been on his own for a little while.

Dabi thought about waking the boy, about maybe offering help, but what could he really do? Offer for the boy to join the League? No, he wouldn't- couldn't do that. He wouldn't trust any of the league members around small children anyway, except maybe Kurogiri.

Letting his eyes linger a little longer on the boy, Dabi decided that it would be best to leave, he doubted he could be of much anyway.

As Dabi turned and started to make his way to the bar again, something caught his eye.

Looking back at the boy in the box, Dabi's eyes widened at what he saw.

The boy had wings. Small wings, but wings nevertheless. One laid on top of the boy as if it were a blanket. It was only then that Dabi noticed how the boy was shivering.

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