ch.2 tunnel of love and acid

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As they walk through the mansion, they are thankful that tasque manager is with them because all the enemy's seem to think shes caught them and taking them to the dungeon so they do not bother to fight them.

They soon reach a secret door in the wall

"Alright, goat boy and monster girl go through here and you should find your noelle friend, and while you do that me and kris will distract queen" she said trying to keep her excitement from showing, knowing she was about to get some alone time with the human.

Both susie and ralsei nodded in agreement and headed off to find and save noelle, now it was just kris and tasque manager.... again.

Kris then took the lead as tasque manager follows as they move ahead.

They soon found a.... pool of acid?

As kris ask why this was here queen popped on a screen near by and said

"Oh this is just the mansion power supply, by the way tasque manager what are you doing with the lightner"

"Ummm I-I was j-just ummm" she was stumbling across her words trying to think of a excuse

"Oh you must have captured him and now taking him to me, thank you tasque manager I knew I could trust you" queen said confidently

"Yes yes yes, definitely I'm exactly doing that" she said relieved

"Ok then bye see you soon I'll be waiting for you"

After that encounter both kris and tasque manager realized that their was no way throught or a way back until


Kris pulled the lever and out came a... Swan boat?

'sense when did we have this' tasque manager thought turning a bit red

Kris ofcourse being the gentleman that he is got in the boat and offered her his hand to help her get on the boat

tasque manager hesitantly took his hand and got in

'This is really happening' she thought as the boat sailed off with them sitting side by side

Their was a awkward silence, well it was awkward for her, kris was just smiling while humming a familiar tune

'Ok think think what to say what to say uhh'

"So uh kris what else shall we do to distract queen"

As she said that queen popped up on a screen and said "ohh wow I'm so distracted"

Kris let out a little chuckle cuz of how convenient that was

'Well that's out the window what else can I say' she thought

"Hey uh can I ask you a question"

"Oh yes yes ask away"

"why are you helping us aren't you on queens side"

'Fuck what do I said should I just tell him or make something up'

(Then rules shows up then they have the whole fight which I don't want to write about)

*After the fight*

"Uh I can stand that man"

As they go deeper throught the tunnel tasque manager finally gets enough confidence to make a move on kris

"Hey k-kris"


"I want to know you better so I was just wondering do you have anyone ~special~ to you in your life right now" she said scooting closer to kris making him blush a bit

kris x tasque managerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz