Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The Sorting

"Alrighty! I've got 'em all!" My brother spoke to me the next morning. He'd gotten up earlier than my roommate Meghan and I, mainly because he had to pick up his books for the semester to study from home. By the time he was back in our dorm, we'd been awake getting ready for our first day. I frowned, throwing my uniform capelet over my shoulders.

"So you'll be gone by the time I finish class today, right?" I asked. My brother nodded, helping me push the crescent moon shaped button through the fastener, securing the capelet.

"Yeah, I'll be halfway home by then. So you've gotta tell me how your sorting day goes today!"

"I wish you could stay..." I sighed. "I could really use your support today."

"Oh c'mon sis! Don't pout like that. You know I'm a phone call away! Just call me."

"It's not the same..."

"Toughen up, will you?!" Meghan suddenly spoke from her vanity table, where she'd been straightening her long black hair. "Sometimes, a witch has to be without her coven. You'll survive, unless you're the weakest link." My brother grinned.

"Yeah, Erin. Listen to your roomie!" He nodded, grabbing his duffle bag in the corner of the room. I couldn't help but feel nervous about the day ahead. Sorting day. I couldn't believe this day was actually here. It had been spoken about for so many years. It was the cornerstone for every witch that would push her on the path to their new study. I was excited to study, but not if it was incantation magic. Anything but that.

Eric slapped a pile of blankets that he'd set on my bed. Meghan had been kind enough to offer some of her comforters to my brother to help him make a makeshift bed on the floor overnight.

"I washed all of these, so y'all don't have to worry!" My brother told us. "I have to go to Headmaster Glinda's office, so have a great day today. Kay?"

"I'll try..." I sighed. My brother pulled me into a warm hug.

"Everything will work out." He told me through the embrace. "I'm sure of it."

"Thanks, Eric."

Pulling away from our hug, my brother waved to Meghan, who waved back, before turning to the door. Opening it, he grabbed the strap of his bag and gave us one more smile.

"Don't forget to call me, okay?" He repeated. I nodded and waved to him as he finally closed the door behind him. It was tough to see him go every single time. I missed having my brother at school with me, and I especially wished he could stay at least for the rest of today. Turning to my bed, I pulled Meghan's black colored comforter from the stack Eric had left and walked it over to her bed.

"Thanks, again, for letting my brother use your blanket." I spoke to Meghan. From her mirror, she looked back at me.

"Yeah, no problem." She shrugged. "He's cute."

"He's alright." I snickered. I grabbed my messenger bag and slung it over my body, then went for my broom on the broom rack. Meghan quickly pulled on her pointed boots when she noticed me collecting myself.

"Are you about to leave?" She asked me, catching my attention as I pulled on my hat.


"Without me?"

"Huh? Oh, I didn't think—"

"We're roommates, so we should leave together."


Erin The Halfmoon WitchWhere stories live. Discover now