You opened your eyes looking at your surrounding frantically trying to get a sense of where you were. This isn't the first time you have gained consciousness after getting knocked out by Childe, as you were constantly knocked out either by inhaling some sort of gas or being knocked out cold from the back before you could gain a sense of where you were or what had happened. 

Considering that this is the longest you have stayed conscious without having anyone knocking you back to sleep, you assumed that you have arrived at their hideout of some sort and decided to leave you alone. You realize your surroundings looked like some sort of makeshift shelter and a small heater in the middle of it. If you are currently in Liyue was there ever a need for a heater?

Deciding to best get out of this tent to get a better idea of where you were. The closer you walked towards the exit the colder it got, and once you slightly opened the tent entrance you were first greeted with a blast of cold air and scenery so white that you had to slightly shut your eyes due to the sun's reflection from the surrounding area. Once your eye has adjusted to the environment you realize just how screwed you are now. 

It was snow everywhere a 180 degrees different from what Liyue was, you could see your breath in front of you as you were half exposed to the elements outside of the tent. You looked around your surroundings and see a few men roaming several other tents as some were standing next to the campfire to keep warm.

Closing back the tent you realize just how screwed you were now, 'Where in the world am I? I don't think it had been a few days since I was last kidnapped? Kidnapped? That ginger man Childe! Curse him just where in the Teyvat did they take me.' you thought as you walk back and forth in the tent.

Looking around for anything that you could use to get out of here to at least get a better understanding of where you were. Looking around you don't see anything really useful and open up the tent again slowly to take a good look at where they were patrolling to think of a plan on getting away. Realizing that there was a spot where you could run towards to get out of sight before they notice you were gone. You bite your lips and take the chance to run for it before they can see you.

The minute your entire body was out in the cold, you were half-convinced to stay back in the tent and just let the kidnapper deal with you later but the other half of you decided its best to get out of there as you weren't really sure just what were they going to do to you. 'Screw this woman that everyone is saying, If she really wanted to meet me she could just come to me herself and how important is this woman anyway? Barbatos and Morax were talking about her as if I and she had some history or something. But when I asked about it they don't even budge, thanks guys lots of help for a person who is trying to get their memories back' You thought as you continue to navigate around the area once you have left the base.

It has been an hour of navigating and you were starting to feel the cold bite into you. Your pace has slowed down as you climb through this snowy mountain avoiding some hilichurls along the way. 'Shit maybe going back to those kidnappers would have been a better way to suffer than being out here.' you cursed when you suddenly hear other crunches of snow in the background and decided to turn to look what it was.

Before you could look you heard "There they are get them before Sir comes back!" A person shouted. That was all you needed to hear to know what made those sounds, you started to run for it as you cursed yourself for jinxing it. It didn't take long before you reach a clearing with a pond in the middle of it with some ice shells floating on it. Suddenly one of the people that was chasing after you flew above you and landed right in front of you causing you to stop immediately.

You decided to turn to the other side to run again before realizing you were getting corners from all directions blocking any exit point without a fight. "We're gonna ask nicely come with us quietly or face the consequences." One of the men said as he hold onto his gun of some sort preparing to blast you with it. You looked around deciding which is the best route to take to avoid the most damage as you were already freezing due to the temperature you weren't sure how long you would last if you tried fighting.

They started to walk closer to you before you panicked and started to draw out the sword that you couldn't draw out when you were with Aether. The group halt in their steps now realizing that you had a weapon on you before they engulf themself in elements preparing to attack you now in full force.

Cursing yourself and hoping that you actually have the muscle memory to block their incoming attack to at least create an opening for you to run. One of the men that were engulfed in purple started charging towards you with his hammer determine to render you unconscious with it, you took notice of this and just barely avoided his lunging attack. Right after that, you saw a shot of flame flying in your direction as you took your sword to block the incoming attack.

You barely manage to counter the attack before the man behind you, uses his power to suck you in as he hit you from the back sending you flying a few meters away. As you try to get up from the ground another man came flying towards you and uses his gun to blast you with an enormous amount of ice while another at the side blast you with water effectively making you freeze in your step as you desperately try to shake it off and get away from them.

Once you were out of their range the same guy who had sent you flying across the field was once again behind of you together with an oncoming electro guy coming straight towards you. You manage to hit one of them pushing them back before you were once again sent flying with now electro coursing through you rendering you paralyzed due to the sudden shock before you fell into the pond. 

You couldn't move a finger as the water surrounding you were cold and being electrocuted just seconds ago before being plunged into the pond wasn't helping you. You felt yourself suffocate a little as you struggle to make your body move to swim up to the surface for air. The more desperate you try to move your body the more you felt the cold getting to you especially after being slightly frozen from the attack of both men just now. 

You continued to sink in the pond before feeling the exhaustion from escaping and being toyed around by the group of men just a few seconds ago wash over you. Slowly your eyes close due to the cold and exhaustion accepting that maybe this is the end of your journey dying here before you could actually find out who you were. 'I'm sorry Ei' was your last thought before the darkness consume you. You weren't sure what that word meant to you but it came to you as if you had experienced this situation before.

"Wake up"

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