Tonight however...she had been invited to the Sheriffs house for dinner. Though, she insisted on cooking since they had so many times for her.

She stopped at the General store along the way to pick up a few things for dinner. She pushed open the door and found the Father, paying for what looked to be cough syrup at the counter.

He glanced up curiously, his face going white, seeing it was her.

Just as usual, he quickly grabbed his medicine and shoved his money towards the cashier before hurrying past her.

"Wait-" she tried to say, but he continued past her and rushed out the door.

This is getting ridiculous, She scoffed angrily. At least say something. Jeez. Help me out here I feel like you hate me.

She huffed to herself, grabbing up a bottle of wine and some ingredients. There was one dish she made that was always a crowd pleaser.

She gathered up the things she needed and paid, stalking out of the store.

On one hand I get why he's doing this, but on the other he's really hurting me. He doesn't even notice. At least I hope. Whatever. I'm done thinking about him. I'm gonna have a nice night with Hassan and Ali, and forget him. At least for now...

She knocked on their door and Ali answered with a friendly smile.

"Hey Ella! Come on in!" He greeted, opening the door wider and letting her in.

"Did you bring your own ingredients?" Hassan asked with a sigh.

"I didn't want to use all of yours," Ella laughed.

"Hey we appreciate it. Though my dad insisted on making dessert," Ali replied.

There was another knock at the door as Ella set up her ingredients.

"So what are you making?" Hassan asked with a sly smile, coming up behind her.

Ella's heart beat a little faster, with him so close.

"Hey Warren, come on in," Ali said opening the door.

"Hey Warren? Joining us?" Ella asked as Warren took of his coat.

"Yeah. I had plans with Leeza, but she got caught sneaking out and got grounded," he replied with a laugh.

"Bummer. You know, my trick to sneaking out, always leav-" Ella got cut off by Hassan clearing his throat.

"I mean...I'm a responsible adult, and you should never sneak out kids," she chuckled.

Warren and Ali set the table and talked quietly to themselves while Ella cooked the food and Hassan kept asking her questions.

"I need to know if we're going to get food poisoning," he asked eyeing her cheekily.

"Maybe if you stop pestering me, I won't purposely poison your food!" She teased hitting him lightly with the whisk.

"Alright alright, fair enough," he laughed.

"Dad! Where's the Monopoly game?" Ali called.

"In the closet," Hassan sighed, giving Ella a smile before walking off.

Ella smiled to herself, as she whisked up the spicy mayo sauce. She was making her favourite spicy veggie burgers.

Half an hour later, they were ready.

She set out all the toppings and everyone eagerly assembled their burgers.

"This smells amazing!" Warren exclaimed, loading on a heap of the spicy mayo.

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