Kadan - Part 1

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              He can't tear his gaze from her as she stands by the fire. Nearly too close, the flames trying their best to lap at the delicate flesh of her fingertips. When she thinks no one is looking, the fears of the unknown clouding the dark depths of her eyes. Her fingers toy with the line of being too close. His hands clench into fists at his side as the phantom heat plays upon his flesh.

She doesn't notice. She never does. When her focus draws into the inner workings of her beautiful mind, he studies her. Away from the others, of course. Always away from the others. If they saw him, knew what he was doing... They wouldn't understand. They hadn't understood him yet. He doubted they every would understand him, just like he doubted he would understand them.

Humans were so... fleshy. And delicate. Soft in some areas and harder in others. His eyes flitted over the Warden once again. She had chosen to forgo the usual armor she kept fitted to her body and instead stood around in a tunic and trousers, ripped and tattered from years of wear. Often as the world began to press upon her slim shoulders she retreated into the worn fabric, almost as if it helped her battle the world.

He frowned. If she wanted to battle the world... wouldn't she want to wear the armor? Armor would help protect the delicate flesh prison she's encased in. Injuries would be less extensive with the armor she wore into battle, her arrows piercing the flesh of her enemies. If he were any other man, his lips may have quirked into a smirk, imaging the way that her eyes went wild and her hair whipped around her face, a primitive snarl perched upon perfect lips, a heathen's laugh tinkering from her delicate neck.

She shifts her weight from one foot to the other, and he glances away, knowing her tell. In mere seconds she's going to drag her gaze from the fire and fire it from companion to companion, lingering long enough to sort out whatever inner thoughts assaulting her mind. Almost as she knew the inner workings of his mind, her emerald gaze falls to him. He continued to stare into space, feeling the heavy weight of her gaze sweep up and down his body. The dog barks, drawing his attention to something instead of nothing.

He can feel her gaze as he stalks across the camp, heading toward the dog. What did they call it? A Mabari? That's what they call it. She calls it Thane. A loyal beast, through and through. One of the smartest beasts in the camp, if he thought about it. He had seen the beast slay three darkspawn as they had descended on his master, much quicker than her companions, himself included, could have ever imagined. While she notched arrow after arrow, he prowled around his master, never hesitating to lunge and tear out a throat or clamp onto a thigh.

A warrior. A weapon. And, with a barely audible sigh, her right hand man. Man? Dog? Her right hand... something. The only time he'd ever noticed the beast not attached to it's master's side was here in the camp, where it guarded the only road in or out. This time, since no one could see him, he did allow one side of his mouth to quirk upwards. Even looking as relaxed as it was, the Mabari protected its master.

The dog released a low growl the closer he stalks. A low grumble releases from his own chest, a silent dare. He can see the flash of arrogance emerge from the canine's eyes briefly before the dog brings itself up onto its haunches, stretching the muscled, lean body. Sten shoots the dog a nod before dropping to his knees, on his level.

"Sten? What are you doing?" her voice carries across the camp.

To him her voice is a haunting melody. Something that plays in his head. His dreams. Calling to him in his sleep, murmuring into his ear while her lips caress the shell of his ear. Sighing while they roll along the furs, fighting for dominance. Having the beautiful lilt drift to him on the wind was almost a beautiful torture.

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