Chapter 2

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(y/n pov)

* Knock knock*  "who is it," I say "it's me eret" I was confused to say the least it was 2 in the fucking morning  I walk up to the door and open it "its 2 in the morning what are you doing up" I say "well you said you never went outside the castle walls and there was something I wanted to show you" he said  "ok" he grabbed my hand and took me to the guest room and led me to the window "follow me" he said as he opened the window and climed on a tree that was right by the window and I followed him he reached the end of the branch he sat on the wall and so did I I'm surprised I never noticed you could do this we sat and looked at the woods and the stars "its so pretty" I say "ya it really is" after awhile I feel my eyes start to get heavy and I fall asleep {lucky I want to be sleeping right now but NoOOo im writing a fucking book} that's the last thing I remember that night

(Erets pov SUPRISE SHAWTY :D)    

While I was looking at the stars I fell a sudden weight on my shoulders I look over to see y/n asleep I smile but then realize how the fuck am I going to get them back up to their room I pick them up bridal style thank god these walls were thick {LIKE ME MOTHER FUCKERS}so you could stand on them and I walk back up the tree branch I was about to open my door but then I heard guards outside the door I thought it would be weird to carry her into their room when a bunch of guards were there so I placed her in my bed I didn't really think this through but to late now right my arms were starting to hurt anyway so I got in bed to and soon enough I fell asleep to 

(Y/n pov again I know depressing or maybe it isn't me and my sleep deprived mind dont fucking know)

I wake up cuddling my pillow like I normally do {bruh same because I'm lonely} I open my eyes to realize it wasnt my pillow it was eret I started blushing and quickly tried to get away but he pulled me closer and said "stay" so I laid back down and relaxed {bruh i would be freaking out but ok sure be chill} 


SOMETIMES ALL I THINK ABOUT IS YOU LATE NIGHTS IN THE MIDDLE OF JUNE I NEED FUCKING SLEEEEEEEEP sorry for the short weird chapter but ya i need fucking sleep and good mental help but we cant get everything we need so ill stick to sleep even though I almost never get enough of that but whatever  WORD COUNT MOTHER FUCKERS:479 HELL YA 

{Arranged  marriage} Eret x readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ