Prologue of The Game

Start from the beginning

Tim: Jeez if Gordon saying Bruce died then something really went down seeing Joker dead This will not end well

Gordon: Nine Months ago Joker was cremated I pressed the button and burnt the evil bastard my self

Brown: The Joker really did something dangerous to get him self killed

Kate: Hows Batman taking this about Joker's death I mean

Y/n: The point he won't say his name

(A/N: Have you guys notice Batman only mentioned Joker name Once during in game well his mind doesn't count)

Gordon: And then....we waited Gotham braced itself for the inevitable power struggle but it didn't come crime actually fell but deep down I knew war was coming I was just waiting for someone to pull the trigger

The BatFamily got intense was about to happen

Scene plays out the Police Officer enter the diner ordering food a certain missing person poster can be seen

Kate: Henry Adam?

Tim: Is that Our School Principle?!

A civilian came to the officer

Man: Sorry to Interupt your dinner officer eh.....Owens Theres guy smoking over there corner booth

Owens: *Sigh* Wait here I'll have a word

Y/n: Your playing now Jason

Jason: Oh Really?

Jason Started play the officer moving around

Barb: Okay Im little impress about the graphics

Jason move to the corner booth

Bruce: Wait a min look at the table

Dick: Is that!

Jason: Fear Toxin!

Y/n: Wow how did you guess that

Tim: Call it a Hunch

Owens: Its excuse me sir theres no smoking here

The Smoking person jumpscare the officer and most of the batfamily

Brown: Okay that cut me off guard

Bruce: Jason Don't try shooting people its just the fear toxin

Jason: How did you know i was gonna shoot them?

Bruce: Call it a hunch

After not doing anything the officer got beat up reguardless

Scarecrow: This demonstration used 5 ounces of my latest toxin

A lot of people watching the Flatscreen tv billboard

Scarecrow: Tommorrow. this will seem like child's-play. Gotham this is your only warning

The message was cut and alot of people started to panic

Tim: Scarecrow is not bluffing is he If he is His really insane

Barb: So Many people hows my dad handling this

Gordon: Scarecrow's threat worked. Yesterday there were 6.3 million people of gotham city. Today.....Not so Many

Jason: thats good atleast no civilian casualty

Y/n: Well most of them

Damian: You just had to open your mouth

BatFamily Plays Batman: Arkham KnightWhere stories live. Discover now