the confessions. (part 8 the final hoes)

Start from the beginning

Carol: ew thats the worst kind

Sarv: but it's his favorite

Carol: hold up, i thought you didnt know his favorite kind of cake?-

Sarv: yea i didn't but i did text him and ask

Whitty: yea we were at the checkout when she texted, also why red velvet?

Ruv: i dont know, i guess it tastes the least sweet

((I've only had red velvet once, so don't come at me if it's actually generally sweet, because I'm too lazy to go on Google and actually search if it is or not, so anyway-)

Carol: sOo, you hate sweet things-

Ruv: sure i guess

Sarv: yall shush i wanna cut the cakee

Whitty: shouldn't ruv cut the cake?

Ruv: she can cut it, i don't care for it

Sarv: yayy- someone get me a knife.

Carol: i will!

((Carol walked over to the kitchen from the living room, got a knife from those knife stand things and stared at it for awhile))

Whitty: you got it carol? -

Carol: oh- yea gimme a minute

Sarv: mk well hurry up i wanna cut the cakee

((Cut... Carol thought for awhile. Cut... Carol thought more.
Cut... Carol keep thinking. And thinking. What if-))

Whitty: carol you sure ur ok

((Carol turned her head to face whitty whom was just standing behind her, damn, was she that  lost in thought she didn't even hear whitty behind her?))

Carol: y-yea im okay

Whitty: you wanna talk a bit while sarv cuts the cake? -

Carol: no im okay, im just tired

Whitty: alright we'll go home soon i just wanna do something rq

Carol: oh alright.

Whitty: how bout you go take a nap in the guest room and wait for us to leave

Carol: mk night i guess

Whitty: night.

((whitty took the knife from Carol, she then walked to the guest room to sleep, whitty then walked to the living room))

Ruv: where'd Carol go?-

Whitty: in the guest room, shes gonna take a nap real quick

Sarv: awh alright, now let me cut the cake

((Sarv cut the cake (terribly) and everyone ate it, except for carol duh))

Whitty: yea this is terrible cake-

Sarv: in never eating this again, IT TASTES SO BAD-

((I actually dont really have a opinion on red velvet cake so srry if u like it ig))

Ruv: get over it sarv you've had this so many times

Sarv: well it still tastes bad.

Ruv: yea okay you keep complaining I'm gonna go to the balcony

Sarv: mk ima just throw out the cake then

Whitty: oh it's okay sarv i can take it home with me

Sarv: ew but okay ig-

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