The Chase

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It seemed luck was on your side today as you quietly moved down the hall of the mansion, careful not to make a single sound.

Usually he would slip off to who knows where before you could even blink, so you never got the chance to observe him other than when you all sat down for a meal together. But today, he didn't have any immediate business he needed to attend to, so he wouldn't be off doing... whatever he does on any given day.

Arsene Lupin truly was an interesting man.

He might have proclaimed himself as a gentleman thief, but it wasn't all that far off from the truth. He had charmed you immediately, which wouldn't be such an issue if you weren't so easily flustered. What was worse, it was almost as if he went out of his way to tease you to just to ruffle your feathers for his own amusement.

Yes, that was why.

No other reason.

None at all.

You peeked around the corner you were leaning against to make sure you didn't lose him while you tailed him from a safe distance. He continued on, seeming to take his time to enjoy the decorations of the corridor, in no clear rush to be anywhere in particular. You watched him intently as he strolled, careful not to lean too far out around the corner and expose yourself. The last thing you needed was him catching you following him.

It was a miracle he hadn't already.

He rounded a corner, and you carefully slid around your own and soundlessly creeped after him, taking great care with every step not to let your feet fall too heavily. You weren't sure when you had started, but you were now holding your breath as you neared where you last saw him. You hoped he was still close by as you leaned around--

"Lovely afternoon, isn't it, Miss Rain?"

Your blood ran cold as you stared at him, your shocked eyes locked with his mirthful ones.

He had caught you after all.

"What's the matter? You look surprised." He tilted his head, wearing his typical catlike smile as he took you in. Respectfully, his gaze stayed on your face, but you could still feel your body getting hot from embarrassment.

You opened and closed your mouth several times in an attempt to speak, but your voice failed you.

"Did you really think I wasn't aware you were following me?" He gently pushed himself off the wall, still watching you flounder for something to say. "Of course not, my dear. I wouldn't be The Gentleman Thief if I was so easily fooled."

You coughed, silently cursing the heat you felt on your face, knowing he could easily see it. "Y-You let me follow you? Why?"

He chuckled, adjusting his hat atop his head. "I thought I taught you to be more aware of your surroundings. Why do you think I would do such a thing?"

"Because you like embarrassing me?"

"You wound me, Miss Rain. Though I suppose it's not a totally inaccurate assessment." He reached out a gloved hand to gently brush a knuckle against your heated cheek, which almost made you flinch. "I can't deny I enjoy seeing you so fuddled."

"I knew it." You whispered it without thinking, which earned you another chuckle from him.

"Though you seem confused on my actual reasoning for it. If my intent was simply to embarrass you, I wouldn't have bothered to lead you away from the others so we could be alone."

This gave you pause.

He was right. You had been following him for about twenty minutes, if you had to guess. You weren't anywhere near the dining hall or any of their resting areas, so no one should be wandering around.

He led you here on purpose.

"You wanted to get me alone?"

"Of course." His hand moved from your face and reached for your hand. Your heart stopped as he tenderly pressed his lips to your knuckles, only to be jumpstarted again when you suddenly felt his free hand on your waist gently tugging you closer to him until you bumped against him.

He was so warm...

He turned your hand over to gently press a kiss to your open palm. His eyes kept you frozen in place, not that you were planning to move in the first place.

"You see, I want you all for myself."

His hand let go of yours, moving to brush his thumb gently along your lower lip before leaning in close.

"How kind of you to let me steal you away so easily."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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