After about 5 minutes you and your friends made it once again backstage with prizes and galore, which you all placed on a speaker near all your instruments. Noticing less people backstage then it was two hours ago. You also notice your drumsticks were missing.

"Uh guys, did the two of you take my sticks?"
"What, no why?" Jamie asked looking at you concerningly
"Did some take them?"
You started to panic
"I-i hope not-"
"Y/n, calm down maybe you left them in kattys car." Jamie said placing a gentle hand on your shoulder

"Y-yeah, yeah maybe." Your voiced shaked as you pick at your lip, it was a bad habit.

"Im gonna go check-" you said turning around quickly and ran off

"Y/n wait!" Katty yelled
your steps echoing underneath the floor boards as your familiar form disappeared within the crowd
Katty sighed heavily, looking around for someone to speak to about your guy's situation. jamie watched you leave, concern still on his face.

You ran and dodge people trying to head to the parking lot but with so many people it was hard seeing where you were.
You stopped quickly and looked around trying to find the ferris wheel to determine where you are, you looked up to see it far away, its glowing lights mocked you as you realized were on the other side of the pier. Your breathing became hitch at every intake and burned every time it left. You were lost. Peoples laughing and joyfulness became more quite, as your mind began to fog, you felt so uncomfortable with all these people around you, like all eyes were on you, attached to your skin like bugs, no matter how much you scratch they were still there, marking you.
You wrapped your arms over your chest digging your nails into your skin, making sure it left pain, maybe enough to snap you out of this moment.

You were hesitant to move, but quickly turned around, you were going to try to go the way you came, maybe katty a Jamie can play without you-


You felt yourself run into someone and immediately fall back on your ass.
With a thud and more air knocked out of you, the anxiousness in your heart increased ten fold, feeling it almost thrown up out of your heart.
But even with your internal situation you quickly stood up and apologized to the person you ran into, frantically shaking your hands and head, and sputtering out words.
"I-im so sorry, i didnt m-mean too, i wasn't watching where i was going-"
Looking up at the poor person you ran into, you were surprised to be met with piercing blue eyes, being like a snowgrave, it sent shivers down your spine and sustained your anxiety rush. That was because your heart stopped completely.

The stranger gave you a playful smile, blonde shaggy hair falling onto his face.

"Calm down puppy, its okay. I don't first." He said with a wink, still holding his smile.

Now usually you'd find someone like this and run, but honestly you were to frightened too, let alone confused by the name he gave you.

"P-puppy?" You asked looking at the tall blondie in front of you tilting your head with curiousness.

"See! You have the energy and curiosity of one!" He said giggling a bit afterwards.

Suddenly the ice in his eyes melted, as did your fears.
The sound of the world came back to you, as did the joyfulness.

"I like your shirt, did you make it? Do you play guitar? What can you play? Can you even play?Oh! What your favourite band?" Asked the blondie a mile a second.
"U-uh..." You scratched the back of your neck trying to wrap your brain around the second question and all the others.

"Y/n!!" You look behind you to see katty running twords you guitar behind her back.
"Y/n! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Oh, what were you thinking running off! You scared the shit out of me and jamie! Come on, i talked to the sign up lady to put us as the last song,she also said they have backup drumsticks, lets get you to jamie." Katty then forcefully took you your hand and dragged you away from the tall blondie.

You looked back to see him wave at you.
"Bye puppy." He said, his eyes freezing over once more with a icey stare. You tensed again but still waved goodbye at the stranger, feeling katty tug at you.


After katty had found you and taken you back to Jamie they both bombarded you with questions, which made you anxious but you still answered the best you could.
Telling them what happened, katty didn't like the stranger calling you pet names without knowing you, jamie didnt like that you ran off so far, they both didnt like the fact you clawed at yourself, and scolded you about it, but in the end gave you tight hugs.

"Are you sure you'll be able to go onstage, we can go home if you want." Katty said holding her guitar.
"Yeah like i said, im fine now, ill just do what you said earlier and go batshit." You said with a shit eating smile as you tapped the symbols with your new drumsticks

She gave you an equally shit eating smile.

"Im glad your feeling better n/n, how about we go eat after this if you want, my treat."

You nodded "that'd be nice."

A very loud Applause was heard from the crowed infront of the stage, you can tell everyone was here now, the pier was almost empty.

"Alright, alright ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for our last contestants?"
Everyone screamed and cheered, a few "woo-hoos!" And whistles can be herd.
"Okay then lets give it up for canine teeth playing us 'tommy the cat'!!" The sign up lady and crowd applauded and yelled louder than ever.

"You ready y/n?" Jamie asked as him and katty both put their hands behind Your back.
"Yeah.." You weakly smiled at them.
They nodded and headed on stage with their guitars, your drums were already onstage so all you had to do was follow them.

Walking on stage you immediately felt your heart in your throat, but you ignored it, running your hand threw your hair and shaking it, letting your hair cover your face.

The crowd got quite as they heard katty tune her guitar a bit before taking one single strum, neon lights blared on us making our natural colors disapear, as Jamie started with that one line.

"Say baby, do you wanna lay down with me? I say baby do you wanna lay down me, i say baby, SAY BABY!!

And with that you banged against the drums as hard as you could, headbanging as hard, but easily as you could, in the corner of your eye you could see katty and jamie doing the same thing, strumming and sining as hard as they could. It made you smile forgetting about the crowd in front of you, even though everyone was screaming bloody murder.

Your hair went along with your head but slowly started to attach to your face as you began to sweat, but you didnt care you smiled as katty strummed her guitar perfectly as jamie sang his heart out. You smiled. You were happy. Not a care in the world at this moment.

But little did you know you got the attention of a certain pair of icey blue eyes, and 4 more.


Somebody's watching me [lost boys x reader]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum