The avengers(3)

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Diamondhead: "oh yea! Diamondhead is gonna reck you fools!"

Y/n smirks and crashes into the street, causing a large indent to appear, as some chitauri walking to check it out, Zed lands on top of one of them, before biting it's head, then rips it off, then she throws the head at another chitauri, just as Diamond spikes grow from the ground, killing every last one of the chitauri around them.

Diamondhead: "booya! Let's move Zed! Let's get these jerks!"

Zed barks, and runs off, immediately catches a chitauri that was running at them, then she rips it's arm off, just as y/n runs from behind and smashes it into the ground. Zed once again barks before running off, with y/n running not far behind, while he was also firing crystals at some of the flying chitauri.

Looking up, y/n could see that he's already cought up to the others, which he was thankful for.

Steve: "Those people need assistance down there"

chitauri soldiers that have landed near them and begin firing at them. Nat pulls both pistols and fires

Nat: "We got this. It's good. Go!"

Steve: "You think you can hold them off?"

Clint: "Captain. It would be my genuine pleasure"

Diamondhead: "I'll go with cap, Zed, stay close to me, ok girl?"

Clint shoots an arrow into the creature's head, gaining a few seconds for Steve, y/n and zed. The three race over to the plaza, jumping over dozens of exploding cars. Nat empties out her clips. Clint fires arrows into the ranks of the chitauri, hitting his mark each time he shoots.

Nat: "Just like budapest all over again!"

Clint: "You and I remember Budapest very differently"


The cops continuously fire at the flying chariots. a young cop runs over to his police sergeant.

Cop: "We need to get out! They gotta bring the National Guard!"

sergeant: "National Guard? Does the army know what's happening here?"

Cop: "Do we?"

Steve jumps in front of them. They look up at the star spangled man. With the boy turned alien, along with his alien dog behind him.

Steve: "I need men in these buildings. There are people inside that can run into the line of fire. You take them through the basement or through the subway. You keep them off the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as 39th"

sergeant: "Why the hell should I take orders from you?"

Suddenly, an explosion comes up from behind then. An energy blast is blocked by his shield. two chitauri soldiers attack. The cops watch in shock as steve fights them off with ease, while y/n fires crystals at them. The Sergeant turns to his officer.

sergeant: "I need men in those buildings, lead the people down and away from the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as 39th"

Y/n smirks and continued firing at the chitauri, as he followed Steve back to the others, just as Thor joins them as well.

The unpredictable Avenger(On Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz