The beginning.

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I wake up with messy hair, and go to my kitchen. There I see it, the microwave. It's 2 am, and I want food, so I walk up to my microwave, for some reason I feel something. Not hunger. The microwave was looking a bit 😳😳😳 hot. 

I decide to chat with it.

"mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" said the microwave, and I laugh.

"How are you today?" I ask.

"ding ding ding" it answers. I take my food that spawned out of the literal void and walk towards my bedroom.

I wanted to scream. I look in the mirror. Is this what my like came to? Falling in love with a microwave? At least it wasn't a fucking salmon, LIKE SOMEBODY.

Or incest. That's shit too.

Anyways,, hello! It's me! Author! I'll write stuff at the end of every chapter. Sorry it's short, I don't know how wattpad  works lmao.

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